Chapter 22

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Connie p.o.v

24 hours passed since we took (y/n). I had Hazel go to her aunt and tell her that (y/n) was back, and she was totally fine with it, even taking Hazel's suggestion of taking a few days off and leaving the camp with her. And now, with that stuck-up, prissy, useless girl out of the way, Luke will finally be mine! No uncle Boomer or Jessie to stop me this time!

"Girls. Is everything ready?" I whispered as I lay in my bunk.

"Yes, Connie," they whispered back through the darkness of our cabin.

"Good. Let's go!"

Luke p.o.v

I groaned as I cracked my eyes open, immediately shutting again as blinding sunlight pierced through my skull. I heard shuffling to my left and turned my head that way. Someone was calling out, but everything was muffled and my body refused to register my surroundings. When I finally managed to get my eyes open and focused, I took in my surroundings.

I spotted Xander thrashing around on the ground on my left, yelling at me through the cloth clamped over his mouth, and another limp body across the clearing to us both, that seemed to get Xander extremely agitated. I blinked, willing my eyes to focus, only to recognize (y/n) tied to a tree and slumped forward, either asleep or- I don't want to think that. I also registered that Xander was the only one out of the three of us that had a gag.

He stopped thrashing around when he noticed I was awake and stared at me, eyes watering from desperation and pain. I turned back to (y/n) and called out to her, desperate to get a response out of her, to make sure she was okay. After the third or fourth shout, she stirred and we laughed in relief, Xander's getting muffled by his gag. She raised her head and stared at us through bleary eyes.

"Hey, (y/n), it's us. Luke and Xander. We're here. You're gonna be okay," I whispered across the clearing as loudly as I dared, not wanting a cloth stuffed in my mouth too.

"Luke, what happened?" Her voice was slurred, as if she had been drugged one too many times. "I have a splitting headache and the last thing I remember is your baseball bat." That got my blood boiling and Xander thrashing about in anger once more. How dare she do that to my (y/n)? Once we got out of here, she was going to pay.

"It's Connie," I replied. "Don't worry, the guys back at camp have everything under control. She probably has some binding ritual she'll force me into."

"Why does she want me and Xander?"

"Probably to keep you out of her way? I don't know what she wants with Xander though..." We looked at him, and he shrugged. Then, he tried to ask her something that came out as gibberish through the cloth, causing us both to laugh at the ridiculousness of the situation.

"I think he means: 'What a day, huh?'" I translated, and we all started laughing again, glad of the break from the seriousness of our situation.


A.N: Hi! I know I'm late, and I'm sorry it's short, but I'm going to update this again tomorrow. I felt like I needed to give you something to read, even though it's horrible. I have two questions for my dear readers:

Which of my books is your favourite?

And what do you think of my new MattyB book?

Leave your answers in the comments, along with anything else you'd like to say/ask/suggest/rant/other, and my personal messages are always open to you guys! Love you all, see you in the next chapter! ♡

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