Chapter 30

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The car ride back to the camp passed silently. It wasn't quite comfortable, sitting in silence and feeling Luke's eyes on me the whole time while I avoided his gaze. I was hoping for a little more time before I told him about my parents, but he no doubt wanted to know how I knew the machinery so well in the lab, and I would have to explain everything. Xander had been looked over by some medics when the police arrived at the warehouse and he was diagnosed with two broken and a bruised rib. They had put a cast on him to help ease the pain, but they took him to the local hospital anyway, in case he had punctured any major organs.

Once back at camp, the police started questioning Aunt Gladys, and I pulled Luke towards my safe tree to explain everything.

"Are you okay? What happened back there? How did you know what to do with those machines?" Questions spilt from his lips once we arrived, and I felt an overwhelming sense of fear at the thought that if I told him, he would probably leave me. We sat at the base of my tree and tears welled up. He pulled me close, holding me tight and whispering assurances in my ear. We stayed like that for a good ten minutes before I plucked up the courage to say something.

"My parents are in prison," I started, my voice shaking. He listened, not interrupting and not letting go as I told him the trauma of my past. "They were demanding, always wanting me to 'make them proud', which involved using my genius to invent things for them. They would sell my weapons and machines to the highest bidder, no questions asked. Until, one day, they didn't sell it. They wanted me to make a super-soldier of sorts. It was more a brainwashing device than anything, but I was desperate to get them to notice me, give me affection, tell me they were proud. It took months to build, but I never got to test it. Xander found out, he helped me. I was going to destroy it and the plans and run, but they caught me. They wanted to test it on Xander. My most evil machine, to be tested on my best friend. Of course, I had built in a safety mechanism in case someone tried to steal it. I froze my parents in place and called the cops on them. As they were hauled off, they gave me these looks full of poison, like I wasn't fit to be their daughter. Like I had failed them." I was sobbing by that time, barely able to get the words out.

"I put everyone on Earth in danger, just to get my parents approval. It still haunts me, nightmares of it going wrong and killing Xander, or turning him into a mindless killing machine. I'm evil and I understand if you don't want to be with me any more" Luke started rocking me gently and letting me cry. He wasn't disgusted. He didn't pull away or leave me. He stayed with me until the tears subsided and my breathing evened out. Then, he said something I never expected.

"There's a difference between evil and lost, (y/n). You were lost. Xander found you. You are the sweetest, brightest, smartest person I know. Why would I ever let that go?" I looked up at him in disbelief, my expression morphing into a smile at the thought of spending the rest of my life with the freckled boy in front of me. I buried my face in his chest again and we stayed like that until the rest came to find us.


~A.N: Hey guys! Have another chapter. I'm sorry it's so short, but I wanted to get the reader's past out of the way before moving on. Which reminds me, I need you guys to vote on how you want this to continue:

1. Last day of camp, saying goodbye and/or realising they live very close in NYC? (not sure if I'll have them keep a long-distance relationship or just live closer together)

2. Something like snippets of passing time and happy memories? (idk if you know what I mean, but anyway)

3. Or just an epilogue of a proposal and/or wedding? (which will happen anyway eventually if the other two are chosen, but this way it goes straight to that)

This will be open until Tuesday, and then I'll start writing. Enjoy, and feel free to comment or message me any requests/ideas/corrections or if you just want to talk, I'm always willing to listen. See you in the next chapter! ♡

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