Chapter 16

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Third person p.o.v

Luke leads (y/n) along a path leading to the mountain. He and picks a flower from the side of the path, offering it to her. She smiles at him.

"You're such a dork. Sweet, but still a dork."

"Yeah, but I'm your dork." He replies, grinning. Soon, they're nearly at the top. Luke pulls out a blindfold.

"Do you trust me?" She nods, smiling slightly as he puts it on her. He takes her hand, leading her up to the clearing at the top of the mountain where he has set out a picnic, with the help of Xander. The sun has just started setting when they arrive, and he pulls the blindfold off, nervously. She looks around in wonder. He takes her silence the wrong way.

"You know if you don't like it we could-"

"It's perfect"she cuts him off. He grins, relieved, and they settle down to eat.

(y/n) p.o.v

Everything is amazing. Luke made sure to bring all my favourite foods, which Xander must have told him. We're sat on the top of the mountain, the sun turning red on the horizon and colours bleeding into the sky as we talk about everything and anything, getting to know more about each other.

When we finish eating, I lay back and gaze up into the now dark sky, my eyes finding the familiar constellations as I mutter their names to myself. I can feel his eyes on me, and I look up.

"What are you doing?" He asks.

"Looking at the constellations." He lays down next to me, and I hesitantly start pointing them out to him.

~Time skip brought to you by beautiful sunsets.~

Luke p.o.v

As we make our way back down the mountain, I brush my hand against hers, but she pulls away. My heart sinks, until she takes my hand in hers and intertwines our fingers. The biggest smile that night forms on my face and my heart skips a beat. We walk in comfortable silence back to camp. All too soon, we're stood outside her cabin. I know it's too much to hope for a kiss on the first date, but I yearn for her lips on mine.

"I had a great time, Luke. Thank you." She smiles sweetly at me and my insides melt. Then, she does what I least expected. She kisses my cheek, before turning and slipping silently into her cabin. My hand reaches up to the spot where her lips touched me, and another goofy smile spreads across my face.

I find my way back to Grizzly Cabin in a daze, collapsing fully clothed onto my bunk. Everyone else is already asleep, so I don't have to deal with any awkward questions just yet. For now, I close my eyes, remembering tonight's events, and slowly drift off into dreams involving (y/n), long kisses, and walks in Central Park.


~A.N: I'm not dead! Yay! Have another chapter. Sorry for the delay, but I had no idea how to write this. Also, I know it's short, blame my writer's block. Feel free to comment/private message/share/vote/other. See you in the next chapter! ♡

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