Chapter 23

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Third person p.o.v

The camp was in a state of panic. Well, that was an overstatement. Grizzly and Woodchuck Cabins were in a state of panic. Gladys was gone, they had to arrange activities for the kids, and Xander, Luke and (y/n) were missing. Many of the other cabin members had noticed their disappearance but, so that they didn't worry anyone, their friends avoided the questions, constantly making up excuses. They met up, once again, in the Mess Hall to discuss their (limited) options.

"We have to find them! Who knows how far Connie's gone already, and we're running out of time!" Emma announced. Her brother, boyfriend and best friend had all disappeared, so you can see why she was stressing out.

"Emma, you have to calm down. You are not helping them by panicking," Ravi told her, while Zuri was rubbing her back soothingly.

"Yeah. So, what do we know?" Jorge asked.

"(y/n)'s been gone about a day, the boys less," Lou provided.

"We're sure it's Connie's work. Kidnap Luke and force him into some form of marriage or bonding ceremony, take (y/n) as leverage to get to him, or to stop her interfering," Zuri continued.

"But why would she take Xander? I mean, she never spoke to him. Ever," Emma supplied.

"Well, maybe the other Weasels are working with her?" Jorge suggested.

"That would explain it. Use Xander as a bargaining point with Hazel, and therefore all of Weasel Cabin," Ravi nodded. "She must have required the assistance." They all agreed, thinking of a way to track them.

"Phones?" Emma asked Ravi. He thought for a minute and shrugged.

"Depends if they are on, and if they have them with them..." he trailed off. "I can try if you can get the router working?" Lou nodded and sped off to Gladys' cabin to reset the router.

"We need to arrange search parties for when and if we get a location on them," Zuri continued. "Jorge, help me gather the campers." They left as well, leaving Ravi, Emma and Tiff, who was extremely quiet and staring at the table.

"What is the matter, Tiff?" Ravi questioned, one hand still on Emma's shoulder.

"I was just thinking, what if we can't get their phone signal?" Emma sobbed a little and Ravi squeezed her shoulder reassuringly.

"Emma, why don't you go and see if Zuri needs help?" She nodded and followed after her sister. Tiff looked at Ravi expectantly. "I may have put a tracker on Luke. It is close-range, somewhat fragile, and with a low battery lifespan, so the chances of me finding it are extremely small," They walked towards Grizzly Cabin as he spoke.

"So, you didn't mention this before because...?"

"The chances of picking up a signal from it are so small, I didn't want to get anyone's hopes up. I was going to check it in private first," he explained. He tugged a satchel from under his bunk and pulled out a laptop, a silver box that fit in the palm of his hand, and a small antenna. He started explaining what he was doing as he set it all up, and Tiff listened with interest.

When he finished, they both stared intently at the laptop, praying for something to help them. Anything. The radar went around a couple of times, but nothing popped up. Tiff sighed in defeat, but then a red dot appeared on the screen, causing Ravi to laugh in relief. The locator was just on the edge of the antenna's reach, but it was definitely there. They rushed off to tell the others.

They were all overjoyed, if a little upset Ravi hadn't told them from the start. Jorge, Zuri and Emma had managed to arrange the very few older campers into buddy-system search parties, and sent them off with maps in different directions to the camp. The remaining inhabitants of Grizzly and Woodchuck Cabins set off towards the red dot that was Luke's locator.


A.N: Technically, this was gonna be the end of the last chapter, but I was too slow and wanted to give you guys something, so now here you go! What do you think's gonna happen? Will the locator be on Luke, or has he dropped it? Will they get there in time? And is Connie driving everyone crazy, or is it just me? Comments open for any suggestions/ideas/requests/corrections/random midnight thoughts, like how if birds can fly, why can't flies bird?/literally anything else. Enjoy, and see you in the next chapter!

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