Chapter 18- Lilith, The book and The notes

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A feminine voice said from behind as you all looked at the tall silhouette, it had a really long dark purple coat that was covering their face, only some locks of a blonde hair coming out. "You must listen to me! you kids are in danger!", "and umm, who are you?" you said looking at the woman who slowly took her hood off, her beautiful blonde hair being revealed and her face, she was an absolute goddess! "Mom?!", "Lilith?!" you all said looking confused at her. "I wanna help you all! Lucifer is planning onto killing Alastor or Y/n, or even both!" she said worried as your eyes grew wide. "K-killing?!" you gulped. "Sadly yes, he said you two are a pain in the ass to him since you both have too much power, and if you both work togheter and such things, you have more power than me and Lucifer togheter! and you could dethrone us in any moment! but i know you kids wouldn't do that! so i want to help you!" you rose a brow "and how do we know that we can surely trust you? maybe Lucifer sent you here!" you crossed your arms. "No kids, he didn't! i swear to God! look, if you don't trust me, here's some things i grabbed from him!" Lilith handed you an antic looking book, a little disheveled list and a red little notebook.

You tooked them and looked through them, and as you were about to open the antic looking book, she placed her hand on it "NO! don't open it! that book is cursed! on those pages, are deals written by Lucifer whit the blood of the persons he made a deal whit! also, there are some souls which he took also from the persons who made a deal whit! There's also some dark pages, but i don't know what's written on those since he never let me look at them! i think there's written about some atrocious plans of his and lots more! just keep it whit you but never dare to open it!" you nodded giving the book to Melody as the others except Al went next to her to admire the book. You looked at the little disheveled list "a-are those the next places he's gonna fight us?!, park-12:30PM, happy hotel- 8AM, store- 5PM, DINNER DATE- 8:20PM?!" you said widening your eyes, "now that we know the next places he want us to attack him, we must avoid them in any way possible!" the others nodded, you took the last thing, which was the red notebook and started looking through it. You started laughing badly as the others got confused except Lilith, Alastor took the notebook and after 5 seconds he bursted in laughing too, next was Melody who did the same, then Charlie, Vaggie, Husk and the others who also did the same. "What's this Lilith?" you wiped a tear as you stopped laughing. "This is Lucifer's private journal! i brought it to you thinking that he maybe wrote about some malefic plans of his! and also to laugh at the stupid things he wrote!" you nodded "thanks for your help Lilith! you're amazing!" she stroked your face "no problem kids! whenever you need me, call this number!" she handed you a little white card whit a phone number on it as she was waving then disappearing in a dark purple smoke. "bye mom!.." Charlie said a bit worried. "Now we should get back to our apartment, shouldn't we?" they all nodded and followed you.

The moon was lighting your entire room as you were leaning onto the bed, knees to your chest, looking at the bloody moon since you weren't able to sleep. You went to the kitchen to grab a glass of water and spotted Husk and Melody sleeping on the table. As you were leaning on the table, you saw the antic looking book, opened....and also saw some notes which were written in strange languages, one in French, one in Romanian, one in Japanese and the other 2 were some indecipherable languages, one being written whit numbers and some symbols as the another was written whit lots of letters that had dots upon then and some parentheses under them. You stuffed them in your pockets and took the antic looking book and started looking through the pages, there were signatures written whit blood, exactly as Lilith said. The book suddenly flipped its pages to a black place, you slowly flipped the page looking only whit the corner of an eye scared that something dangerous might happen, but actually, nothing happened. You looked closer and saw something written in white, it was like, a plan...

1. Steal Y/n and make Alastor suffer bc of her disappearance
2. Lock Y/n in a chamber down in the basement and place her on a wall whit the help of cuffs and chains
3. Toy whit Y/n everyday for 10 years
4. Alastor will be already hurt so i will hurt him even more by poisoning him
5. Lock him in the same chamber whit Y/n
6. Kill all their friends including Charlie so that no one could save them...
7. Kill both of them and release hell from those 2 bitches

You were about to rip the page and keep it to yourself, but you tought again and decided to make a photo of it and the next pages. There were lots of other plans on how to kill Charlie, how to kill you, how to kill Alastor and how to stole the hazbin squad's souls. You ripped the last page about the stolen souls plan, keeping it to yourself, leaving no sign of it being ripped. You went back to your room and placed the notes next to eachother on the floor looking over them "well, atleast i can translate 3 of them.." you said to yourself as you took your phone from the wooden nightstand. You took the first note and read it. 'On ne devrait jamais lui faire confiance! il est une source de danger et de pure méchanceté -L'. You translated it as: 'he should never be trusted! he's a source of danger and pure evilness'. You took the next note and read it 'Are o putere inimaginabila, iar impreuna cu ea, sunt de neinvins -C'. You translated it as: 'He haves an unimaginable power, and together whit her, they're unstoppable'. You took the last note and read it '彼らは遅かれ早かれ一緒になります- A.' You translated it as: 'they will be together sooner or later'. "What do all of those mean?.." you asked massaging your head, "We may know the answer to this!" you heard a soft voice saying, you looked behind you and saw Charlie and Alastor. You smiled as they came in and sat down next to you making a triangle while you placed the notes in the middle, "so, whit what to you need help my love?" you gulped a little, "these notes..", they both frowned in confusion "w-where do you have these from?..." Charlie said, fear felt in her voice. "Well i couldn't sleep until now, and i went to grab a glass of water, then i saw Melody and Husk sleeping on the table next to some notes that were in other languages, those notes fell from the antic looking book.." Charlie made her eyes wide "YOU OPENED THE BOOK EVEN IF MY MOM TOLD YOU NOT TO?!" you covered her mouth whit your hand, "OF COURSE NOT!! it was already opened when i walked in!!" they sighed.

"Anyways, i translated 3 of those notes, i couldn't translate the other 2, they're indecipherable, maybe you can understand the language since you're here for a longer time than me!" you said handing them the 2 papers which they took looking at. "hmm, this one seems like the old hell language they used to spoke 800 years ago in hell.." Charlie said inspecting the note, "i think i can translate it, but it will take me 15 minutes or more!" you nodded as she started translating. "Any luck Al?" you got closer to him looking at the note curiously, "hmm, i think so my love. See? those symbols and numbers actually mean something! its like egyptian hieroglyphs! to decipher this message, i must mix each number and symbol that are next to eachother to see if they actually mean something or if they form a drawing! after i'll finish mixing each number and symbol, i'll get some messed up words and then i must arrange them in a correct way so they can actually form a logical sentence! understood darling?" you made an 'ohhhh' face then nodded going back beside the bed inspecting the other 3 notes that you translated.

"Im finished here! but the meaning it's actually pretty dark, this is why it was written in the old hell language, to be hiden from everyone's eyes." Charlie said still looking at the paper, "what's the meaning?.."

A/n: holy damn that was a pretty ass long chapter! i would've typed more but it's already enough for you guys to entertain your hungry for fanfictions brains! see you in the next chapter!♡︎♡︎

1559 words

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