Chapter 47- Gone, forever...

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Sirens woke you all up, the extermination day just begun. Angel stood up and lifted the trapdoor a little, seeing angels coming down, killing every sinner they see. He fastly shuts the trapdoor and goes down to everyone. "The extermination day just started...." Angel spoke whit shaky a voice.

Grabbing weapons, you all left Angel's bunker and saw other demons waiting beside trees. "CHERRS! you came babe!" Cherri laughed "of course i came bitch, i mean, how could i let my adorable friend to fight alone? i also brought the old man here!" she pointed to sit pentious. "Ah! sssstop calling me old man cherri!"

"I ship~" you whispered to Al as he didn't show any reaction to your words, just blankly smiled. "Hi! im Velvet! you know us! we're the Vs that..destroyed your hotel, BUT BUT but but but but but but..we're deeply sorry about it! and..came to help you in this fight!" Velvet exclaimed happily, Vox and Valentino nodding along.

"Oh! well, thanks!" Charlie spoke. "Hi Al darling!~" that girl Rosie exclaimed from behind the Vs. "Ah Rosie! glad you could make it!!" the deer demon said approaching his gal, Rosie. Suddenly, from behind her, came another girl. Was it Mimzy? yeah she was.

"Hi Al!! we both came here to help you along!" the chubby girl said. "Thanks dearies!" he exclaimed hugging the 2 gals.

"Ok everyone! let's go! we have a bitch to kill!" they all exclaimed at your words then begun rioting. "Melo, do you still have the angel spear?.." you whispered to her as she nodded. "Of course hun!" you sigh in relief.

"Let's go guys!!" Charlie exclaimed everyone starting to run, carefully to not be noticed by the angels.


Bursting through the palace's door, everyone begun looking around for Lucifer. "Are you searching for me?~" he asked making everyone startle. "You came at the exact correct time! the war between me, you and the angels just begun~" he spoke before moving his hand making everyone hit their backs on the wall behind.

Going out, you saw Lucifer there waiting, he was dressed in a golden armor, and was holding a big gold sword. "Ah, you finally came! shall the war start?~" he spoke smirking as you loaded your gun "it shall!"

The war begun, everyone was fighting for their lives, Velvet was blinding Lucifer whit the flashlight. Valentino was beating him whit a belt, Vox whit electric wires, but Lucifer was good at fighting, he was dodging almost every move they made and also hit back, they begun being weakened already, so Rosette, Damian and Husk joined the Vs, as you and the rest, were killing the angel exterminators who were doing almost anything so they can kill you.

Suddenly, a big shout was heard and the Vs along whit Rosette, Damian and Husk were thrown in the walls behind them. Because of everyone's attention being dragged to Lucifer, an angel killed Mimzy, she falling to the ground, about to disintegrate.

Al fell to his knees, as Mimzy looked at him and caressed his cheek. "I'll miss you Al, i..i love you..." those were her last words before she became made of light and pieces were falling off of her, flying fast in the distance.

Alastor was mad, truly mad, he wasn't even smiling! unforeseen he grabbed yours and Rosie's hand and ran over to Lucifer grabbing him by the neck. "YOU DAMN PIECE OF SHIT!! BECAUSE OF YOUR DAMN SHOUT, SHE—..SHE DIED..." Lucifer just smirked as you came by and slapped him hardly.

After another hour of fighting, the angels finally left and went searching for another demons. "We're the only ones left~" Lucifer exclaimed, as you all, some weakened some not, were threwing him deadly stares. "LUCIFER!! YOU EXAGGERATED!! LOTS!! STOP FIGHTING THOSE POOR KIDS!!" Lilith shouted, trying to shoot him but he was dodging every, but every single bullet.

"No Lilith, you aren't my boss darling~" everyone got mad and begun attacking. Pieces of armor falling off of his body, leaving him in his formal costume. "Oh, you're playing like that aren't you?..then i shall stop playing and actually fight~..."

2 big flame balls appeared in his hand. "Be ready to PERISH~" he let out a maniacal laugh, wind suddenly appearing. "YOU REALLY THINK SOME WIND'S GONNA KILL US?! HA! idiot~" you let out before everyone jumped on him attacking whit belts, punches, guns, bombs, electric wires, big robotic machines, booze bottles and even flashlights.

Lucifer also fighting back whit flame balls. You were falling down one by one, was he too strong? or were you too weak?. After just an hour of fighting, Lilith, you, Alastor, Angel, Valentino, Charlie and Vox were the only ones still standing.

Lucifer suddenly pulls out an angel spear, then disappears and reappears in different places, to make you confused. He suddenly appeares behind Alastor and throws the spear at him, seeing it you jumped in front of it, falling down exactly like Mimzy did.

"N/n? N/N?! no NO NO NO NOOO!!.." Alastor took the spear out of your limp body and threw it to Lilith, she trying to attack Lucifer whit it. "A-Al?.." he quickly turned to you, "Al..please d-don't cry! y-you know you're never fully dressed w-whitout a smile..i promise i will be a-alright soon...i promise we'll met somewhere, someday..d-don't forget..i-....i love you..." saying your last words, you also became of light, disintegrating exactly like Mimzy did.

Alastor was officially destroyed, the only thing he ever cared about, was gone now, gone..forever, only because you saved him, only because he couldn't protect you correctly. His loved one was now made of shattered pieces of light, exactly like his heart.

Standing up, he snapped his finger, black tentacles grabbing Lucifer by the arms and neck, both Lilith and Charlie jumping on the tentacles, killing Lucifer whit the spears of light. He becoming made of light, "AAAGH! IM NOT DONE WHIT YOU YET! YOU'LL MEET ME SOMEDAY! YOU WILL!!" sooner he shattered and flew away.

Everyone cheered except Alastor. But he came by and tried to smile a little. Unforeseen, Rosie approached the radio demon and kissed him, he maybe, kissing back. But, what about you?..oh right, you were gone..


A/n: OMG IM SO SORRY FOR GIVING IT A SAD ENDING- WAHHH- but- im still not done- i gotta do the sequel!

1086 words

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