Chapter 37- Everything's alright? (part 1)

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Rosette^^^ (art made by me)
"Is that, Alastor talking whit a girl over there?, i mean, i don't care but, i never saw her before.." Charlie and Husk looked over to them, and then turned their gazes away, to you. Still looking at them, you saw Alastor's eyes meeting yours as you switch yours away fastly.

"Hi Y/n! this is Rosette!" you placed on a fake smile and waved to the girl as she waved back. "Rosette is an old friend of mine, a gal, i might say! we used to go to lots of events togheter where my other gal Mimzy sang. Oh such lovely nights!!" you drank some vodka then rose your brow "does it looks like i care? i give a fuck about you Alastor!" you slammed the bottle on the table. "Rosette dearie, i have nothing whit you but i have whit this man next to you!" Alastor rolled his eyes "why, what did Alie do?" you rolled your eyes "he did lots" "let me tell you about this bitch in front of you darling." Alastor took her shoulder and went back across the room to their chairs as you began to cry again drinking from that bottle of vodka, while placing your head on the table.

"N/n are you okay?.." Damian sat down next to you as Husk and Charlie were watching the whole scene worried. "No Dami, Alastor broke up whit me and already find another girl, which proves that i was just a toy.." you hugged Damian tight, he hugging back. "D-D-Dahamihihihian...p-pl-pleheease nnho.." you were crying so badly that you couldn't even speak. "N-N/n? g-girl, noo..calm down!! wh-what happened?..tell me!" Charlie told him what actually happened. "I NEVER TRUSTED HIM!! AND I KNEW HE WILL HURT YOU ONE DAY!! but i swear to both god and satan that i'll protect you from him, he isn't worth of you!!" you broke the hug and smiled softly at him, and whitout acknowledging it, you kissed Damian. Charlie and Husk gasped. Damian sat there for some seconds not knowing what just happened but then kissed you back. Alastor was laughing whit Rosette until he threw a look over her, across the room just to see you and Damian kissing, he frowned a little but then focused his attention on Rosette. "Rosette darling, would you mind doing me a favor?" "not at all Alie! what do you need me for?". "Sorry for kissing you Dami but, would you please do me a favor?" "yeah N/n, what can i do for you?".

Two months of late night crying and overthinking passed by and, Alastor was now 'together' whit Rosette as you were also 'together' whit Damian.
•In the kitchen•
"Morning everyoOone.." you came in happy but then immediately got mad as you saw Alastor cooking breakfast. "Y/n i might need some help whit the breakfast!" you rolled your eyes "ask Rosette about it!! she's your new girlfriend! im not helping you anymore!" Alastor sighed. 'Dammit Alastor, i wish i helped you buuuut, i gotta keep my reputation! also, you have Rosette now, soooo..' you tought to yourself as you went to Damian. "Hey Dami, wanna go out to grab some coffee?..i don't feel like eating.." he rose a brow "but you love Alastor's foo-" he was cut off by you "shush and let's go Damian!" you dragged his hand both of you quitting the hotel, going at the closest cafeteria from your current location. Sitting down, a pretty little demon came to you, she kinda looked like Millie tho-. You ordered a latte then opened Instahell and scrolled through the pictures, until Damian drew your attention to the fact that Rosette and Alastor were coming too, you groaned, sinking even more in your phone. Standing up you looked at Damian.

"Bruh, why is Alastor where i am all the time?! it's annoying!! is he spying on me or something?!" Damian looked at them then back at you "it might be, to be honest, i haven't saw any romantic thing between Rosette and Alastor yet. I think he's kinda jealous on you, and just comes to spy on you.." you rolled your eyes laughing "pff yeah sure! look at him! he looks so happy whit Rosette! he doesn't even need me lmao!" your laughing made Damian laugh too, i mean, he was forced to laugh since the favor.

"Alie? are you..okay?" Rosette rubbed his shoulder, Alastor sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Rosę, can you stop calling me that? it reminds me of N/n and i really don't wanna think about her.." Rosette nodded quietly. "Hello and welcome to the hell café! im Marine, Millie's sister!" (Disclaimer: I invented Marine! Millie probably doesn't have any sister or brother! so do not think it's canonical! bc its not!! i just invented Marine!!!). "Would you like to order anything?" Marine asked as Alastor ordered a coffee and Rosette a tea. "Excuse me Al, i shall go to the bathroom" Alastor gestured whit his hand a 'go' sign as Rosette left. Sooner, Damian went to the bathroom too, leaving you and Alastor, face to face, both of you spying eachother through the phone and newspapers.

"Oh, im sorry, wait, are you that girl who's together whit Alastor?" Damian bumped into someone then immediately recongnized the person, as they nodded "you are that boy who's together whit Y/n!" Damian rubbed his neck "well, i rather not say together she uses me to make Alastor jealous!" "oh, same for you?" they looked at eachother. "We should bring them back together!" their voice synced, both nodding at eachother.

"Oh my god Damian!! you're so funny! hey Alie! we all shall stay at the same table whit Damian! he's soooo funny!!" Rosette made you and Alastor confused. "Yean N/n! come along!!" you groaned and sat where they sat, Alastor sitting next to you since Rosette and Damian were next to eachother. The two 'paid' actors found topics on what to talk and were laughing, both you and Alastor staying quiet, not even looking at eachother. "Oh cmon N/n! say something!" you startled a little "uh, i am, uh, Y/n, and next to me is a guy named puppeteer, in front of me is Dami and his newest friend Rosette." then you shrugged, Damian looked weird at you, Rosette just watched, as Alastor lost its shit. All of a sudden, you feel your mouth being squished, seeing red, angriness, dials and big ass antlers. You also felt yourself being lifted up in the air. "I FUCKING HAD ENOUGH OF YOU YOU IDIOTIC SHIT, YOU'VE EATEN MY DAYS!! YOU'RE TRULY IMPOSSIBLE!!! YOU WANT EVERYONE TO DO AS UR PRINCESS ASS SAYS! YOU'RE LITERALLY OUT HERE COMPLAINING ABOUT ME COMING WHIT MY DEARIE ROSETTE FOR A COFFEE TALK! DO YOU WANNA MAKE ME JEALOUS BY BEING WHIT DAMIAN OR WHAT?!" "yes, she wants!" you groaned at Damian.

"see? even your little friend agrees whit me! you're so nai-" he was cut off by Rosette. "Nah, he also wanted to make you jealous whit me!" Rosette laughed slowly, you smirked at Alastor as he turned his head 180°, facing Rosette's face. You laughed then felt yourself on the ground. "Oww! couldn't you just drop me slowly?!" no one heard you. "No Rosę, i did not!" she started laughing again "yeah you did! you literally asked me to pretend being togheter whit you so you can just regain your sweet lil Y/n back!" you burst into laughing, everyone looking at you. "Why you laughing Y/n? you did the exact same thing..." your smile suddenly flattened, you made your eyes wide at Damian as he just smirked. "So she a-" you ran and covered his mouth as he was mumbling, suddenly you feel yourself being lifted up by your collar. "PUT ME DOWN ALASTOR!!" you were struggling to escape but when you got tired you just groaned and let your head down, your eyes seeing your own feet and the ground. "As i was saying, when Al and Rosette went away, she drank the whole bottle of vodka and began crying on the table, then on myself, she then asked me for a favor which sounded like this..please do me a favor Dami, i need you to pretend that we're togheter only to make Alastor jealous! because oh ma gad! im too diva to ask him to be together agaaain!" Damian drama emphasized the last words. When have you even said those words, you never did.

"Oh! is it so my dear?" Alastor turned to you and began holding you like a fucking baby or something. "No!" he dropped you on the ground then pinned your hands whit his as you couldn't move. "Let me go, Al" you warned him "oh my, darling! haven't heard you call me Al in months!" you groaned "don't you darling me you son of a bitch.." you were serious in vain as Alastor just smiled more. "Let's not call my dad a bitch! he was one, but he was pretty smart! he killed my mom and a friend of hers whit just a shoot!" you rolled your eyes and smirked "does it looks like i care?" "hmm, i don't know! i tought it will be interesting to share details about my criminal dad!" "yeah su-" cutted of by Rosette and Damian's shouts you shrugged. "KISS ALREADY MOTHERFUCKERS!!" both of you shrugged "shall we?" squinting your eyes, smirking, you leaned slowly into Alastor's face. "I don't know. I don't care. I give a fuck!". Alastor just smirked even more then pulled you into a deep kiss both of you pulling apart for air from time to time but then kissing back. Both of you missed the touch of eachother, it was relieving feeling him in your arms again. As Rosette and Damian were dancing like some idiots, on a side, they loved being together whit you and Alastor, but on the other, they were happy that you two are together again, or, that's what they tought...
A/n: oh my god guys, sorry about the begging being so shitty, and holy shit, i wrote LOTS on this damned chapter- omagaa, i couldn't resist of keeping Y/n and Alastor apart, they're just, made for eachother, AAAAAAAAAAAA. I fucking needed romance ajbdekhsbekdh. Oh, and sorry for the stupid title, i'll change it when i'll have better ideas!

1758 words

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