Chapter 26- 1920 slangs and wholesome Alastor

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"Well, we couldn't continue on the quests since you blacked out hours earlier my dear! we all were worried and waited patiently for you to wake up!" Alastor whispered back as Charlie, Vaggie and some others were hugging you tight, you nodded feeling a little guilty. "Charlie, haven't you got any news on the hotel?" she shrugged, since her dad haven't told anything about the building process. "Uh, i guess we should take a stroll through hell and also go and see if the hotel's still a wrecking mess or if it's atleast 15% built!" Charlie suggested as Melody clicked her fingers "and as you Vaggie, Angel, Damian and Niffty go check for the hotel, me, Charlie, Husk, Y/n and Alastor will do the other...." and then she realized she was about to spit the secret when the 4 of them were throwing her wide eyes and some mumbles. "Uh, the other...check! yeah! check for um, groceries and hell itself!!" Vaggie knew something was wrong, but nodded like the others did. 'I bet this is all related to that book of Lucifer's, i don't wanna risk losing them! i need answers...' Vaggie tought to herself but came back to reality when she heard yours and Alastor's voice and also moving and commotion. "you're choking me Charlie, i can't breathe Angel!" but they didn't hear your little yelps, "Charlie, Sex Machine, please get off my dear Y/n! can't you see that you're hugging her too tight! ohh, my poor little fawn can't breathe in there!~" he acted like a fucking drama queen which made you a little flushed and also laugh little. The two looked at him weird "fawn? wut are ya smiles? drama queen?" Angel furrowed his eyes upon him, then went to try his luck on Husk while Charlie let go of you really quick mumbling some quiet sorry's. "Want to eat anything before we leave darling?" Alastor asked whit a soft smile, you nodded as he stood up helding his hand for you, you grabbing it then left to the kitchen as everyone went after you two except Vaggie who also dragged Charlie by the hand.

"Charlie, be honest, are you hiding something from me? are Y/n and Alastor hiding something? is Melody hiding something?! i need answers" Charlie was sheepishly rubbing her arm don't knowing what to say. "What? no! im not hiding anything from you Vaggie!" the latina girl threw Charlie a suspicious look. "Charlie, does what you're hiding its related whit Lucifer's book?..." Charlie was stuttering, she didn't want to lie to her girlfriend but, she had to, she just didn't want her quest mates to be cursed, so the only way was to lie. "No of course not Vaggie! we would never dare to touch it since its cursed! we're hiding nothing Vaggie! trust me please!.." Vaggie trusts Charlie, and will still do, so she believes her lies. "Fine Charlie, i trust you because you are my girlfriend, but please never dare to do something that dangerous! okay?.." Charlie nodded then kissed her girlfriend as she kissed back softly. "I love you Charlie..", "i love you too Vaggs!"

"hm?, darling? did you stole my bacon?~" Alastor caught you off guard. His piece of bacon was hanging out of your mouth as you said a muffled no, your mouth being full of bacon and eggs. He laughed softly "Can i get a bite?" you nodded pushing your plate in his direction, "darling, i think you misunderstood~" Alastor made his voice deep which made your cheeks go red. "Get ya phone toots!" Angel said to Melody as she took her phone, waiting. Meanwhile you were flushed and embarrassed and would do anything to get away "wh-wuf? wuf r u foinf?.." your words were so muffled since you couldn't swallow food when embarrassed or flushed. "Hmm darling, do you really wanna know?~" Alastor's voice was still deep and made your face even more redish than earlier, but you still nodded. "As i said dearie, i want a bite~" he leaned into your face stuffing the hanging piece of bacon in his mouth ripping it, then, he kissed you, but, you noticed a flashlight which semi-blinded your right eye. He broke the kiss enjoying his piece of bacon "hmm, it tastes like vanilla whit a mix of strawberries and of course the piece of bacon tastes like bacon!" his voice wasn't as deep as before but it still made you blush a little, you never expected your mouth to taste like vanilla or strawberry tho. You now turned your face to Melody and Angel "D҈I҈D҈ Y҈O҈U҈ J҈U҈S҈T҈ T҈O҈O҈K҈ A҈ P҈H҈O҈T҈O҈?҈!҈" you transformed into your Revenge Demon form, your e/c eyes becoming some f/c X's as you started levitating "D҈E҈L҈E҈T҈E҈ T҈H҈A҈T҈ O҈R҈ I҈'҈L҈l҈ K҈I҈L҈L҈ Y҈O҈U҈!҈" Melody started to run as you, levitating, went after her. "L҉E҉T҉ M҉E҉ H҉E҉L҉P҉ Y҉O҉U҉ M҉Y҉ L҉O҉V҉E҉!҉~҉" Alastor's voice became creepy, symbols appearing behind him as his eyes became radio dials. "C҈O҈M҈I҈N҈G҈ A҈F҈T҈E҈R҈ Y҈O҈U҈ M҈E҈L҈O҈D҈Y҈!҈!҈" you and Alastor said, both of you levitating and going after Melody which jumped on her bed laughing "FINE FINE!! I'LL DELETE IT!" you two stopped levitating and came back to normal. "Good" yours and Al's voice synced, then Melody tricked Al in thinking that she deleted the photo and since he's not used whit phones even if you spended hours on teaching him how to use one, he still got tricked, so he left. "Girl send me that photo!" you laughed as Melody did exactly what you told her. "What are you gonna do whit it?~" you laughed quietly as you saved the photo "uh maybe put it as a background?" "thirsty bitch.." you threw her an amused and annoyed look. "oh shut the fuck up, im still waiting for you and Husk to kiss~" Melody blushed hardly and threw a pillow at you "get..out..." you laughed waving, "goodbye~".

"oh, hey Al! may i get your phone for a second?" he leaned until your eyes were leveled "why dear?" you stutter a little "i uh, have to do something on it!" he gave you his reddish phone you opened it and went to another room, but were stopped by his hand grabbing your shoulder. "You can't leave whit my phone love!~ either you show me what you're doing on my phone, either i take it away from you!~" sighing, you open your phone and went to messages where you sent that embarrassing photo of you two kissing, on his phone. "I did tell Melody to get rid of that..." his eyes became dial but came back to reality in short time "she did!, but, she also send it to me! and i placed it as....uh.." you didn't wanna tell him why, so he just came on whit his 1920 shit "placed it as a header for a newspaper?" threwing him a weird look, he shrugged as you mimicked a no. "Al, we're not in 1920 anymore! didn't i spend hours on teaching and helping you how to use a phone?" you said a little annoyed as he just nodded "so, then why can't you remember anything?" he shrugged like a goofball, his tongue sticking out a little. When it came to phones, technology and modern things, he was like a boomer's grandpa, really, really obsolete and odd, but you understood that it might take months, even YEARS for him to learn how to use a phone.

You had an advantage at the moment, when he's a goofball, you can run away, it will take him some seconds to come back to reality, so that's what you did. Locking the door, you saved the photo on his phone and placed it as a background, you also had another advantage, since Alastor doesn't use his phone at all, except for calling you or some others, he won't open his phone that often, and he won't see the background. "Give me my phone back you keen jane!" you heard Alastor, saying, using some 1920 slangs as it seemed, "fine you spiffy upstage hombre!" you smirked a little since he didn't expect you knowing his epoca's slangs. You gave his phone back and heard Angel in the distance "GET A ROOM!!", "shut up you skid rogue or i'll croack you!" Angel threw you an odd and confused look "skid, rogue? croack? ya sound like a damn boomer! haha!" Alastor didn't like that, but you didn't gave up so easily. "FUCKING UPSTAGE BUSHWA!" you and Alastor were laughing the shit outta yourselves as Angel Dust had no more words and just showed his middle finger leaving. "My, my, doll! i never had so much fun since the stock market crash of 1929!" you knew the next words that were about to come out of his mouth "ah, so many orphans!.." your voices synced, and as you looked at eachother like some goofs, you both bursted into laughing. "Damn, you spiffy goof, i almost choked on air, but we should be going, the others are waiting for us!" he nodded grabbing your hand.

A/n: HOLY MAN- THIS CHAPTER TOOK SO MUCHHHH- BRUHHH. Anyways, in the first place, this chapter should've been about them searching for the 3rd quest, but i decided to let them do that in the next chapter! in this one, i more likely introduced 1920 slangs, Alastor and Y/n using them, and making wholesome thingies! this chapter was more like a wholesome one since the last 3 or 4 chapters weren't that wowie! anyway, for every slang you'll find an explanation down here! thanks for reading and bave a good day/night!♡︎
- -
spiffy- looking elegant
hombre- man, fellow
bushwa- bullshit
keen- attractive or appealing
jane- woman
upstage- arrogant, snobby
skid rogue- a bum who can't be trusted
croack- murder

1643 words

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