Chapter 36- It's over

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"Alastor, that's why! of course!!" you rested your head on your hand, your gaze being riveted on the bronze colored table. Melody head palmed "why?! he did nothing to you and you're literally mad!" Melody got a little annoyed. "Yeah but, since we're over now, he shall find another! ain't getting back whit him!" Melody grabbed your shoulders and shook you "girl, he was literally crying earlier, have you ever saw him crying?! no! of course not!! he fucking cares for you, why are you acting so weirdly all of a sudden?!" you sighed "i feel like he betrayed me whit Kira an-" Melody slapped you. "MELODY WHAT THE FUCK?!" she slapped you again. "Are you dumb Y/n? or are you acting like it?!" you rolled your eyes. "Whatever, anyways, you might want to look up, the rays are descending." you said in a boring tone, playing whit your cup of f/d.

Melody smiled, watching the rays descending on Angel, another descending on, ALASTOR?!, you groaned then sticked your face to the table, making some fake crying sounds. Both Alastor and Angel began walking whitout even acknowledging it. "Come here daddy~~" Angel flirted as Alastor became scared "AAH- i uh, I GOTTA PICK UP MY DRY CLEANING!!" Angel just flirted more "no excuses allowed, now lemme get on top of you boi~~" Alastor screamed again of course, he feared nothing, but Angel, he, he is his nightmare. "HEY HEY HEY!! WHO IS UP THERE WHIT A FUCKING SPOTLIGHT?!!" Melody shouted as you looked up there, barely seeing anything from the mascara who filled your eyes, the others looking too, even the slow music stopped. "HAHA! PRANK!" Cherri jumped on the floor, giving Angel a high five, both of them laughing. "DAMNN, BAMBI WAS SO SCARED!!" Angel laughed the shit outta himself.

"Cherri, go away..." Vaggie warned her as she shrugged and went to the corner of the room. Now, the actual moon rays descended, first on Melody and Husk, which wasn't really surprising for you, since you knew that they're made for eachother. They danced as Charlie came next to you "are you alright N/n?.." you nodded in sign of disapproval "no..of course not, since i met Alastor, i only had bad adventures, i feel like pairing up whit him wasn't a good idea.." Charlie hugged you "aww, i feel you Y/n, i also felt this about Vaggie, i tought that she wasn't the one, but i just solved things out whit her and then we got really close to eachother! believe me, Alastor cares about you! please try and talk whit him.." you nodded as Charlie was rubbing your shoulder smiling softly at you. "A-alright..i will try...i guess..". You weren't going to talk whit him, you really weren't going to.

The 12AM blood moon dance ended, now, there were 2 more, one at 3AM, and one at 5AM. So until 3AM, you decided to go for the next quest. Taking out the clue to the next quest, you read it. Then called Charlie, Melody and then Husk, telling them to meet you in the park.

As they came, one by one, you told them about wanting to go for the 5th quest, and in the end, they agreed for searching for it too. "But Alastor?" you rolled your eyes "let's go whitout him.." Charlie stopped you "WHAT? do you wanna die?! you forgot that if we don't work in harmony we might die?!" "i rather die than seeing his face" Melody had enough and slapped you like four times in a row.

"I HAD ENOUGH OF YOU BITCH! YOU WANT EVERYONE TO DO AS YOUR ASS SAYS TO DO!! AL LITERALLY DID NOTHING TO YOU BUT YOU TREAT HIM LIKE SHIT, YOU ARE SO FUCKING IMPOSSIBLE AND I DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT WHAT YOU'RE GONNA SAY NEXT!! Charlie, call Al" you were kinda terrified, you never imagined your best friend going insane european mother mode, but she was right, you were truly impossible. "Uh Melo, i don't have his phone number.." Melody looked at you "Y/n does.." you gave her a warning look "don't even think about it" Melody groaned "THEN JUST SUMMON HIM OR SOMETHING!!" Charlie sighed "guess i'll have to go and search him by myself, be right back!" and she left. Melody sighed and turned to you, "girl, what is bothering you?!" you also sighed "c-can we talk about this in private?.." she nodded grabbing your arm going behind a tree. "Now tell me, WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG?!" you rubbed your arm sheepishly "its a long story but, here i go! so when Alastor was still together whit Kira and had enough of her being super obsessive and weird, he faked some photos of him and Mimzy kissing, Kira got mad and somehow she stole the photos Alastor had, and she would've shown them to the news reporters. For his and Mimzy's safety, Alastor made a deal whit Kira also known as the tricky demon, she said she'll stole only his soul, but she stole his heart. Then Kira vanished and came into our hotel as the innocent person she pretends to be, and, when i slammed Kira through those buildings, she told me that she actually never stole Al's heart neither make us break up. But, i think im mad at him only about the fact of Kira being together whit Al, i mean, they maybe were 'perfect for eachother' since both of them can act innocent but turn into psychopaths in a second."

Melody head palmed. "Girl, that was the most idiotic reason to be mad over someone i've ever heard!" you shrugged "cmon! cmon!! we're going back to the group and you'll solve things whit your psychotic lover, i don't care what you say, CMON!!" Melody was pushing you by the shoulders back to the group, your gaze meeting Alastor's.

Both of you were face to face, the others just watching in awe. "Y/n" "Alastor.." trying not to stutter, you saw Al's smile suddenly flattening. "Don't you have something to say to me?" "what would i say?! maybe, you have something to say!" catching that diva attitude just infuriated him more."Oh, darling, what's this attitude?" you rolled your eyes "don't you darling me you fucking puppetteer, you toy and play whit each of us like we are your fucking muppets!!" "im the radio demon what would you expect?!" you went crazy "OH, SO NOW YOU'RE EVEN ACCEPTING IT!! HOW DUMB WAS I TO BELIEVE YOUR LIES, OR TO BELIEVE YOU IN THE FIRST PLACE?!" "ATLEAST I HAVE RESPECT FOR OTHER PEOPLE AND I DON'T GET JEALOUS LIKE A LITTLE SHIT THAT I AM OVER EVERYONE WHO JUST THROWS ME A LOOK!!". "this wasn't a good idea..." Charlie whispered to Melody, she nodding in agreement.

"WOW! YOU SAY YOU HAVE RESPECT BUT YOU REALLY DON'T!! HAVE YOU FORGOT THAT SHOUTING AT A LADY IS SIMPLY UNRESPECTFUL AND RUDE?! AND IM NOT EVEN GETTING JEALOUS OVER YOU!! YOU CAN FUCKING DO WHATEVER YOUR ASS WANTS! CAN'T U SEE THAT U LITERALLY SCARED EVERY BUT EVERY!! DEMON IN HELL?! no you can't, bc you don't even know how to respect a lady in the first place..". Alastor dusted off his costume, his smile flattening even more "then why are you still here?" "i may ask the same thing!" you looked at him from head to toe. "im here because Charlie wanted me here, but really now Y/n, STOP WHIT THE STUPID QUESTIONS!! NO ONE GIVES A DAMN FUCK!!" "BUT WOULD YOU STOP TALKING?! I DIDN'T EVEN WANTED YOU HERE! I WISH I NEVER PAIRED UP WHIT YOU!!!" covering your mouth, you looked up at Alastor who was looking at you whit contempt. "Oh! if that's your wish, then we're over! and im serious, i don't wanna see your face for the rest of the night! have a good night!" Alastor vanished as you said some tangled words to the black smoke before falling on your knees having a mental breakdown and also bursting into tears. Melody and Charlie were gasping, Husk coming to hug you.

"THAT'S WHY I NEVER WANT MELODY TO GET INVOLVED IN MY AFFAIRS!! AND YOU CHARLIE....your idea maybe worked for you, but would you imagine that it wouldn't work for someone like Alastor?! a fucking pompous, cheesy talkshow shitlord like him?!" Charlie came and rubbed your shoulder, while you were thinking of throwing her hand away, but you decided to let her rub it, she did absolutely nothing but just tried to help you, why would you be angry at her, Melody's the one you should be angry at, and you were. Melody came to hug you but you threw her hand away. "DON'T. TOUCH. ME!" "w-why?.." you were literally having panic attacks and were heavily breathing. "why?! WHY?! BECAUSE YOU RUINED MY AMOROUS LIFE!! BECAUSE YOUR PLANS ARE LITERALLY SHIT!! AND BECAUSE OF YOU AND THAT BITCH WE CAN'T EVEN CONTINUE OUR QUESTS!!" Melody also catched a little attitude. "Oh! SO NOW ITS MY FAULT?!? ALRIGHT! ALRIGHT THEN!! HAVE FUN IN FINISHING YOUR QUESTS!! I WON'T BE HELPING YOU ANYMORE! NEITHER TALK WHIT YOU!! WE'RE NOT BEST FRIENDS ANYMORE!!" Melody replied then stomped furiously back to the hotel.

You sticked your face to the cold grass and cried like you never did before, panic attacks dominating your breakdown. Husk was hugging and stroking your hair as Charlie helped you to drink some water which calmed your panic attacks. "Let's go back to the hotel..alright?" Charlie told you sweetly as you nodded and stood up sighing then took both Husk and Charlie's hands and went back.

"who's that girl over there, oh fuck...."
A/n: lmfaoooo im so dramatic xD, hope u enjoyed :))

1640 words

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