Chapter 19- Seven quests?

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"I, uhh, it says this. The ones who never saw the truth in the other should be erased by one of the most powerful weapon the light and dark own.." Charlie said writing down the translation, and as she looked back up, you and Alastor were throwing eachother weird looks, you looked at one another like it was a staring contest. Charlie face palmed "noo..the message didn't mean that! lemme tell you the actual meaning. So, the ones who never saw the truth in the other means that if a person never saw or heard the truth about how the other person they love, feel about them, they shall be erased by one of the most powerful weapon light and dark own, which also means that, they can be killed by the angel spear, or the bloody sickle my dad has, or the weapon both of them own, the diamond scepter, made out of dark diamonds and white wood, both powers mixing into eachother like an yin and yang do!" Charlie explained as you both were relieved you didn't have to stare at eachother like that.

"So Al, have u deciphered that message?" you threw him an curious look, "Yeah my love, now i must arrange them in a corect order?" the words he wrote down were overlord, months, i, both and lots more . "I think the correct one is, Never trust an, overlord you don't know for, atleast 3 months, you might, disappear, and no one will, ever find your damn, cadaver?!" you were struggling im reading that, then gulped.

"G-guys? from how many months do i know you?...." they laughed softly as Alastor rubbed your shoulder "for more than 3 months of course! hmm, from like about, 4 months! yeah, you know us longer than 4 months!" Charlie said as you breathed out relieved. "But back to those notes my dearies, what could they all mean?" Alastor said looking at them pissed, "wait, they look like a story! if we arrange them in a correct way, i think we'll get a story!!" you smiled wide at Charlie's affirmation. After 5 minutes of silence you heard Alastor's voice "i think i found the correct order my dearies!" you both went next to him as he placed the notes in the correct way. "I'll try to get a conclusion out of that!" you said reading each paper in the order Alastor placed them. "So, i think this is the conclusion, An overlord is an untrustful source of danger that should never be trusted, because you don't know them longer than 3 months and they might kill you for their own goals, and no one will ever find your damn cadaver. Uhh, i think there's a note missing bc there's no logic in the second translation and the third!" Charlie took the 2 notes you were talking about.

"Actually, they have a logic and they make sense! look, If the person passed 3 months whitout being killed, this means the demon and the overlord will be together soon bc they are meant to be together, and also the demon gets some powers the overlord has, and sooner they will also become overlords! and if the two overlords work together, they have unimaginable powers, that could even defeat the L's! aka Lucifer and Lilith!! and if the demon that is now an overlord never heard the truth about what the other overlord they're in love whit thinks about them aka if none of them ever confessed, they shall be erased by one of the 3 weapons!"

Charlie said placing the notes back down on the floor. Suddenly, the notes mixed into eachother making a bigger note that had the story Charlie said on it, but more poetical. "Woah, i think we just solved the mistery of the notes, also, why does this sounds like a love story?" You said trying to hide your blush from your face and not to look at Alastor who was just sitting there, looking at Charlie. "Because it is N/n! take the paper and read it all over, and tell me if this's not relatable! but, read it out loud!" you rolled your eyes softly ", If a demon mets an overlord, they should be aware that they're untrustful and dangerous and they should not trust them for atleast 3 months. If the demon wasn't killed by the overlord in within 3 months, they're made for eachother and should be together! also, a kiss is enough for the demon to gain some of the overlord's powers, and sooner, they will also become overlords! And if they work together, they have unimaginable powers! they can even defeat Lucifer and Lilith! But, if none of the demons know the truth about eachother, aka they don't confess, they shall break up and be erased by one of the three weapons the dark and light own and never see eachother again..." you placed the bigger note down.

"Relatable?" Charlie smirked as you nodded then took the bigger note, "but why is it a love story tho?" she rolled her eyes softly "because it is one, this is how love worked 600 years ago! and it's still kinda used!" you made a wow face then spotted something on the bigger note. "What's that?.." you said as Charlie and Alastor looked close at the corner of the bigger note, "it looks like a riddle..For the ones who are reading this, congrats! you are on your way to find the key to a really important treasure! that might also be your ticket to heaven and happiness! but be aware! the most demons who tried to do this quest, ended up erased or never seeing eachother again! You need to finish 6 quests more, this being your first one! Always remember to cooperate and to work in harmony, or you wouldn't be able in completing the quest at all! here is the clue in finding the second quest! Friendly reminder! never tell anyone about these quests or you'll be cursed! And also, never cheat by using magic or devices! or you'll also be cursed! Hiding where no one could find me, surrounded by nature, laying in the dark, im the second quest, you need to find, cooperate and you'll finish easily, fight and you'll die painfully!. You read the little message and also the clue.

"T-Ticket to heaven?!" Charlie smiled, tears coming into her eyes, as you and Alastor also smiled. "A-Al? do you, want that?" he nodded "of course i do, but my love, whenever im whit you, it feels like heaven" you made a little aww then hugged him as he hugged back. Breaking the hug you took the notes and placed them in the antic book that was next to you. "Then, let's do this quests!" you smiled then remembered about the dark pages, "also, look what i've found..." you showed them the photos you made earlier as they made their eyes wide. "H-how did you opened the dark pages?..last time i did that, the book tried to absorb the whole room!!" Charlie said as you shrugged "i-i don't know, i simply did!.." Charlie gasped as Alastor was looking surprised at you. "Let's just, concentrate on the quests and where could the next quest be!" you said as the two nodded.

"i think its in the......."

A/n: haha, that's where the adventure begings!
Stay tuned :)
1232 words

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