☆Chapter One☆

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"So, what do you think, Haerin?" The fourteen year old girl sat in her seat confused too what she was hearing, plus lack of sleep wasn't helping either. She had stayed up all night playing a 2000's horror video game on her sisters old Play-station. Plus, it was Monday. And before she was pulled out of school for this supposed ' urgent meeting ', she was sleeping with her head on her desk while her best friend took sneaky pictures of her.

"I think it's kind of unfair, considering that they went through all of that just to be part of the final debut lineup, and I'm just going to be added in by doing what? Nothing." Haerin stated her mind with her arms folded as she stared directly into the eyes of the lady who asked the question.

"I know, but right now, you are our only female trainee under this label, and we won't be debuting another group for a while, at least another two years." The woman said. "I think it'll be unfair on you if you spend another two years wasting your talent doing the same thing you've done every day since your twelve."

"How do you think the public reacts to a girl in a group of seven boys." She asked as she raised her brow. "It's most likely going to be very controversial, wouldn't it be?"

"Just give it a chance, please." Karina, her manager, pleaded with her as she made the younger look at her by taking her hands into hers.

"If you want me to debut so badly, why can't I debut as a soloist." Haerin tilted her head. "And didn't you say last week that I was an all-rounder and that I have everything I need to debut solo." She questioned further

Karina laughed with a hint of nervousness as she glanced at management. "I'm sorry, Haerin, but the company isn't planning to debut anybody else for now." She sighed. "So this is the only option. If you're worried about losing me, don't be. It was already agreed that if you were to say yes, I would be your second manager."

"And how's that's going to work?" Haerin asked as she raised her brow.

"I'm not sure, but I'll make sure I'll be there when you have group promotions music video shoots. I'll always be there for you. So Rin, what do you say?" Karina lightly smiled.

Haerin's eyes travelled to the side where management was sitting. She could tell that they were starting to get impatient with her.  "Fine, I'll do it." She finally caved in and agreed.

"Okay! Thank you, Miss Kim. All I need you to do is sign this contract, and we can proceed." A man who was sitting next to her told her.

Haerin's eyes quickly scanned the document placed in front of her to see if anything were to stand out in the categories of it being unreasonable. She grabbed the pen he was offering she hesitated but ended up signing it.

"Thank you Haerin, you are due to meet them tomorrow." The woman who spoke early said.

"So soon?" She furrowed her eyebrows.

"Yes, so soon. You both are now dismissed." The lady nodded, signalling for them to leave the room.

They left the room, and Haerin walked behind Karina trailing behind her. With one click of a button, the door slid open, and both got in. As soon as the door closed, Haerin hugged the older girl, her head buried in the crook of her neck and arms round her waist. "What have I gotten myself into." Haerin cried, no actual tears falling, though.

☆𝔼ℕℍ𝕐ℙ𝔼ℕ 𝔸𝔻𝔻𝔼𝔻 𝕄𝔼𝕄𝔹𝔼ℝ☆Where stories live. Discover now