☆Chapter Sixty Nine☆

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"Wake up, lovebirds." Jungwon shook the two violently as they were sleeping peacefully in eachothers embrace just moments before. But now both were disturbed due to Jungwons disruption, and now they were awake but barely aware of their surroundings.

"Jungwon hyung, go away!" Ni-ki whined as he put his hands over his ears. "We literally just got back. Why can't we sleep in?" He complained. Haerin was still lying beside him, trying to get another ounce more of sleep, trying to block out the noise.

Jungwon took Ni-ki's wrist and pulled Ni-ki's hands off of his ears. "Unfortunately, we have jobs meaning no rest." He sighed as he snatched the sheets off the bed and chucked them to the floor. "Now up." He demanded before he left the room.

"You can go to the bathroom first." Haerin mumbled, eyes still closed as she laid on her front.

"Okay then." Ni-ki nodded as he ruffled the younger girls hair with a smile. He knew Haerin wanted to get more sleep, so he left the girl lying there as he went to go get ready.

A while later, the door cracked open as Haerin still laid sound asleep
"Haerin~." A voice hummed in a sing song sort af way as they skipped into the room. "You have to wake up."

Haerin felt the bed dip, so she cracked her eyes open. "Morning, Sunoo." Haerin mumbled as she looked at the boy smiling brightly. "Let me guess, Jungwon has sent you and that he's mad that I'm still sleeping." She whispered.

"Mhm, spot on!" Sunoo nodded with a smile as he cliccked his finger. "So you better hurry up and get ready while I stall him."

"Yes, yes." Haerin sighed as she sat up, swinging her legs off the bed.


"So, did you and Ni-ki go out last night, or did you stay up late?" Sunoo questioned as he and Haerin sat in the backseat of the company car.

"Neither." Haerin said as her head was pressed up against the window. "I just dont like waiting up at six in the morning. " Haerin glanced at the boy who sat in front of Sunoo.

"Well, it's not my fault that MAMA is two weeks away." Jungwon shrugged and folded his arms.

"We're going to MAMA?" Haerin and Sunoo asked at the same time as they blankly stared at Jungwon.

"Yes, we are." Jungwon confirmed. "You better not get sick this time, you know." Jungwon pointed at Haerin.

"Yeah, yeah. Well, it wasn't my fault Jay didn't let me go. I only had a minor cold anyway." Haerin sighed as she leaned back in her seat. "But don't jinx it, yeah."

"Hmm, maybe it was better without you. I didn't have to listen to your loud talking." Jungwon snickered, and Haerin just rolled her eyes as a response.


It was around six o'clock when practice ended. The group was packing up and getting ready to go home when someone cracked open the practice room door. "Haerin-ah, can I borrow you for a minute, please?" Yuwon asked as she popped her head through the crack in the door.

"Okay, one moment, please." Haerin nodded as she put her bag down and back on the floor. Haerin slipped out of the room and walked with Yuwon side by side. "So what do you need?" Haerin questioned as they walked through the halls.

"Hm, Mr. Bang wants to talk to you about something." Yuwon informed her. "But I wasn't told anything, though." They stopped walking when they reached his office. Yuwon pushed the door open, and Haerin followed after her. They took a chair each and sat down at the desk.

"Let's get straight to the point." Mr Bang said. "Haerin, would you like to have a solo stage at MAMA?" He questioned.

"Sure." Haerin agreed without thinking for a moment. Either way, it was most likely she would have to say yes.

"Okay, good!" He smiled. "I was worried you were going to say no." He told her. "You'll start practice after Enhypens practice. Not today, but starting from tomorrow." He said. "Oh- by the way, aespa will also have a performance at MAMA, but practice for that starts next week." Mr. Bang added. "Make sure you mention that to the other girls."

"Okay, I will thank you." Haerin responded. The two girls bowed and then took their leave and started to walk back to the "Well, I guess my schedule is packed for the next two weeks." Haerin said.

"Yeah, but make sure you have time for rest as well." Yuwon added. "We don't want you to overwork yourself."

"Yeah, yeah, I'll find time to rest." Haerin said.

"I mean it." Yuwon warned her. "We don't want you getting sick."

"Trust me." Haerin smiled, placing a hand on Yuwons shoulder. "I won't get sick nor overwork myself."

☆𝔼ℕℍ𝕐ℙ𝔼ℕ 𝔸𝔻𝔻𝔼𝔻 𝕄𝔼𝕄𝔹𝔼ℝ☆Where stories live. Discover now