☆Chapter Forty Two☆

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Haerin regained her consciousness, snapping her head up, looking around, trying to familiarise her surroundings. After looking back and forth she finally remembered where she was.

"Shit." Haerin mumbled as she slapped her hand onto her forehead. "Ni-ki wake up." Haerin shook him vigoursly.

"What." Ni-ki grumbled as he slowly opened his eyes. "Wait a second!" Ni-ki noticed something. "We're still at the three tree house."

"Yeah we are. Great observation. " Haerin said sarcastically.

"Yeah, thanks." Ni-ki rolled his eyes.

"Well do you want to get going or do you want to stay here for the rest of the night?" Haerin asked even though she already knew the answer.

"I think you already know. We're going home." Ni-ki said.

"Okay." Haerin nodded. "I'll go down first." She picked up her black satchel and put onto her shoulder and climbed down.

Ni-ki peered down at Haerin, who was making her way down. Ni-ki took a deep breath before putting his foot onto the ladder than slowly made his descent.

"Took you long enough." Haerin sighed as she looked at her wrist and her non-existent watch.

"Oh be quiet." Ni-ki rolled eyes as he walked passed Haerin.

"Keep going that way and you'll get lost!" Haerin called out.

"Yeah yeah!" Ni-ki called back to her turning around in his tracks and walking back to Haerin.

"Try not to get lost." Haerin snickered as she started to walk.

Ten minutes passed and after walking for a bit they made it out the forest and to the main road where there was a little bus stop.

Haerin sat down and stretched out her feet and leaned a backwards. "Say cheese." Ni-ki told Haerin who turned her head towards him. Haerin smiled at the camera and did a peace a sign and Ni-ki snapped another picture before going to sit next to her.

"The bus is going to be twenty minutes." She informed him. "Then it'll take three hours to get back and its four in the morning right now."

"Jay's going to murder us." Ni-ki mumbled.

"That's what I told you but did you listen?" Haerin shrugged

"Oh shush." Ni-ki rolled his eyes for the nth time.

'Where'd you pick up this attitude." Haerin scoffed folding her arms.

"From your best friend." Ni-ki said as he aswell folded his arms.

"Yeah sure."

The two sat and waited at the bus stop in silence. Haerin looked at floor and swung her legs while Ni-ki scrolled through random things on his phone.

For the fifteenth time Haerin looked up and checked the bus timing. It said it was ten minutes away, Haerin took out her phone and turned it on. Within fifteen seconds of using it calls started to flood in. It was Jay.

Haerin looked down at the screen and wondered whether she should answer the call. Before she could make up her mind the call cut off itself.

"You're definitely going to be dead when we get home." Ni-ki snickered.


"Where the hell have you two been all day!?" Jay practically shouted when the two maknaes walked into the dorm at seven am. Instead of responding they started to look at the walls like there was something so interesting about plain white walls which they saw every single day. "You two are going to give me high blood pressure and grey hair." He grumbled.

"Doesn't it relieve some of your stress if we're together and not alone?" Haerin laughed nervously, trying to calm down Jay who looked like he was about to burst.

"No, in fact it doesn't. You two need stop leaving the house without telling anyone and what makes it worse is that your coming back at like six in the morning."

"I already know your history." Jay pointed at Haerin. "Your sister's told me everything. But you're not with her right now, are you? The rules are different here. I don't even know why your sister even let you leave the house whenever you wanted." Jay sighed.

"At least if you feel like if you need to get out go with one of the older members it doesn't matter what time it is. Sure you're with someone else but that doesn't mean that something bad can happen to either of you especially at this age." Jay took a really long pause. "Haerin go to bed Ni-ki I need to talk with you."

Haerin nodded. "Good night." Before exiting the living room and shutting the door behind her.

"What did you need to talk about hyung?" Ni-ki asked.

"I can't believe im saying this. It seems that you're the most responsible out of you two so please take care of her." Jay said. "And I swear you need to stop dragging her outside with you at like two in the morning." Jay snickered. "You two are not sneaky at all."

"Now off to bed."

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