15. Korean tutorials

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March 25, 10:40 pm

"Jungkookie, what are you doing?" Taehyung asks with a frown on hearing the younger mutter Korean words whilst peering at his phone screen with utmost concentration. The boy has his purple airpods in his ears and doesn't hear him. So, Taehyung crawls out of the bed and goes to his desk where the wizard is now sitting.

"Oh! Are you learning Korean?" Taehyung asks, taking out the airpods from the boy's ears and noticing he is on YouTube, watching a Korean tutorial video.

"Yeah, Annyeong!" Jungkook turns his head around with a grin. Taehyung can't help but smile and shake his head. Yesterday night after coming back tired from school at almost 10 pm after playing football, basketball and volleyball, the wizard was watching English language tutorials until 1 Am. Now he is learning to speak Korean. This boy is determined to learn everything in the world before he returns to the past. "What else do you know? Let me hear your Korean," Taehyung says.

"Okay," Jungkook nods, smiling wide. "Je ileum-eun Jeon Jeongguk-ieyo. Naneun 16segiui mabeobsaibnida. Naneun 500nyeon huui milaelo sigan-yeohaeng-eul haessda," (My name is Jeon Jungkook. I am a wizard from the 16th century. I time travelled 500 years into the future.) he says fluently, making the older's mouth drop.

"Wow! Were you learning Korean the whole day?" Taehyung asks in surprise. He had a double shift today from 8:30 am to 10:30 pm. Jungkook apparated him to the hospital in the morning and then the wizard was alone at home until five minutes ago. Taehyung had just lied down to rest after apparating back from the hospital. He didn't think Jungkook would surprise him by learning to speak fluently in modern Korean in just 14 hours.

"Yeah, I was learning Korean the whole day," Jungkook admits. "Hyung, you are right. Korean has changed a lot in 500 years. I still struggle to understand many words. But Korean has preserved more consistency in its grammar and structure compared to English."

"Oh.." Taehyung nods. "Then let's sometimes talk in Korean too, so that you can learn it fast."

"And I need Korean books too. Where can I get it?" Jungkook asks.

"We can order it on Amazon," Taehyung chuckles. Yesterday on coming back home, he was met with a pile of books in the living room. There were sixty-three books in total. Jungkook himself arranged them in one of the rooms upstairs. So, now he has a small library at home. But Jungkook will probably take all the books with him when he goes back to the past.

"But then hyung, we'll have to pay and it'll take so many days to arrive, right?" Jungkook asks.

"Yeah," Taehyung nods. "If you want it fast and without spending money, you'll have to apparate to Korea. Can you apparate such long distances, Jungkookie?" he asks curiously.

"Yeah, but I don't know the location of any bookshops in Korea. I only know the location of my home and a few other places in Busan. But all those places might have changed a lot now. So, I don't know if I'll be able to apparate there now," Jungkook replies.

"I see," Taehyung nods. "What happens if you are not able to apparate there properly? Will splinching occur like in the Harry Potter?"

"What? Splinching?" Jungkook frowns. "Nothing happens. I just won't be able to apparate. I'll remain here."

"Oh, that's all? That's a relief," Taehyung says. "By the way, Jungkookie, you got the Harry Potter books, right? You should read them. Or watch the movies. It's really nice. In it, if a wizard is not able to apparate properly, they will end up leaving a part of their body at the starting point. It's called splinching."

"Oh??" Jungkook giggles. "Harry Potter seems interesting. I'll start reading it tomorrow itself."

"Yeah, then come and sleep now. It's almost 11," Taehyung says.

"No, I'm only sleeping after a while. You go and sleep, hyung. Oh, do you need to go to the hospital tomorrow?" Jungkook asks.

"I only have night shift tomorrow. So, I'll be here. Let's go out somewhere," Taehyung says and grabs the phone from Jungkook's hands, placing it aside. "Enough learning for today. Now c'mon, come and sleep. Let's wake up early tomorrow."

"But it's only.."

"Shh..just listen to me Jungkookie," Taehyung cuts the younger off and the wizard nods, letting the older pull him up from the chair and drag him to the bed.

Jungkook crawls up on the bed first and right then Taehyung's phone rings on the bedside table. Jungkook grabs it using magic and notices the name Freya on the caller ID. "Hyungie, it's your ex-girlfriend," he says handing the phone to Taehyung.

Taehyung lets out a sigh and declines the call. "Why the hell is she calling again?"

"She called you earlier?" Jungkook asks.

"Yeah, and I told her not to call or text me again. But she is continuously texting me and now again calling me," Taehyung sighs, putting the phone on silent.

"Why don't you just block her, hyung?" Jungkook frowns. "Are you actually planning to forgive her and get back with her?

"No, I'm not!" Taehyung says. "Yeah, I guess I should block her. Hmm..I'm blocking her," he says going to her contact and blocking her. Yeah, why should he keep her contact after she cheated on him? He doesn't even want to see her face again.

"Hyung, please don't go back to her even if you find no one else to love. She is evil. She will destroy you. Don't go to her even if you feel so lonely after I leave," Jungkook says looking up at the older with a serious expression.

"I won't, I promise," Taehyung says, looking into the wizard's eyes. He feels upset thinking about not being able to see or talk to the boy after twenty days. Jungkook is gonna break his heart again when he leaves.

Suddenly his phone vibrates in his hands. He looks at it to see an unknown number. Frowning, he answers the call and places it near his ear.

"Tae, please listen to me. I.."

Taehyung instantly cuts the call and blocks the number. "It was Freya. She called from some other number," he says to Jungkook before crawling up on the bed and handing the phone to the wizard.

Jungkook turns out the light after placing the phone on the bedside table. "Hyung, what if she comes to see you at the hospital?" He asks, lying down.

"I won't see her," Taehyung says, wrapping his arms around the younger and pulling him closer to him. "Oh, Jungkookie, did you use my conditioner again today?" He asks, smelling the younger's hair, inhaling the scent of strawberries deep into his nostrils.

"Hmm..yeah," Jungkook whispers. "I've refilled it."

Taehyung lets out a chuckle, kissing the boy's head. "Who's going to refill my shampoo and conditioner when you leave, Jungkookie?"

Jungkook doesn't reply. He feels his heart pounding hard against his chest. Honestly, he doesn't want to leave Doctor Kim. But he needs to leave in order to learn more magic. Will he be able to come back to 2024 again if he leaves? Will the wizards let him time-travel again? If they don't, he won't be able to see Taehyungie hyung again. What will he do?

"Hyungie..." He whispers turning on his side and hugging Taehyungie hyung tight. "I like you so much."

"I too like you so much, Jungkookie," Taehyung responds, gently running his hands through the younger's hair.

Jungkook closes his eyes, enjoying the feeling of Taehyung's long fingers softly caressing his locks. He squirms his face into the crook of the older's neck, listening to his heartbeats. After some time, he feels himself slowly drifting off into sleep.

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