36. Private Jet

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Seoul, 15 April, 11 am  

"Given Park Yeojin's admission of guilt in the twice attempted murder of Park Jihyu, with the involvement of her father Jung Seojoon and hired assassin Go Dooshik, this court orders the remand of all three accused individuals until the next trial," the judge announces, his voice stern and unwavering.  

"Since Go Dooshik has refuted the accusation of murdering Lee Shinyu, Park Sanghyuk's bodyguard, this court orders additional investigation into the matter. Furthermore, this court directs a thorough investigation into CEO Park Sanghyuk and his company Phoenix Electrics Ltd as there have been multiple allegations of criminal activity within the company. It is imperative that the truth be uncovered and those responsible be held accountable. Therefore, this court orders Park Sanghyuk to be remanded in police custody for twenty-four hours for questioning. The court is adjourned." 

The sound of gavels echoes through the courtroom as Park Yeojin is escorted out by the bailiffs, her face a mask of anger, confusion and disbelief.  

"C'mon Jungkookie," Taehyung says and gets up from the spectator gallery, grabbing the younger's hands. "Let's go with them and find out where she is being taken to." 

They both quickly walk out of the courtroom, hand in hand. Both are in their pyjamas and slippers but invisible and a few people stumble onto them as they hastily follow the police officers escorting the three criminals into the prison van. They manage to quickly step into the van before the officers close the doors. There is enough space inside the vehicle and they both stand huddled in a corner until everyone takes a seat. After the van starts moving, they slowly sit down on the seats away from the others.   

"Hyung, should we wait until she is taken to the jail?" Jungkook asks in a whisper.  

"Yeah, she can't suddenly disappear from the van. There's already so much mystery in this case. We can't let people assume she is possessed," Taehyung murmurs.  

"But what will people think when she disappears from the jail?" Jungkook whispers. 

"That someone helped her escape. Shh.. stop talking, Kookie," Taehyung mutters. 

After about ten minutes, the van suddenly enters a side road, making Taehyung frown. Very soon, the countryside begins to pass by the small grilled window, with only a few vehicles on the road. Taehyung looks at Yeojin and Jung Seojoon and they both have tensed expressions on their faces. "Kookie, I smell something fishy," Taehyung mutters. 

"Fish??" Jungkook frowns. "I can't get any smell of fish."  

"Not that," Taehyung mutters. "I think we aren't on the way to jail now. These officers are probably letting them escape." 

"Oh??" Jungkook mumbles. 

Suddenly the van stops. Taehyung can't see anything as the back part of the van in which they are enclosed only has two small windows on each side. "Can you see what is happening?" He asks Jungkook. 

"Yeah, a white long car is stopped in front of our van and five men are coming towards us. Our driver is hopping out," Jungkook whispers. 

"Oh! They have come to kidnap them.  Jungkookie, make everyone unconscious. Let's apparate home before they take Yeojin out," Taehyung says hastily.  

Jungkook immediately summons his wand from where he had hidden it in the court. Quickly, he casts the protective spell on Taehyung before casting the sleeping spell on the people inside the van. Everyone instantly passes out. "C'mon!" Jungkook says and hurriedly drags Taehyung towards Yeojin as he sees men behind the van's back door. Before they can open the door, Jungkook grabs Yeojin by her arm and they apparate from inside the van, appearing a few seconds later in their house in Emerald in their pyjamas. Taehyung leaves a sigh, looking at Yeojin who is lying unconscious on the couch. 

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