16. Ending Scene

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March 26, 5:30 am

Taehyung wakes up in the morning to IU's Ending Scene. He blinks his eyes to see Jungkook at his desk with his purple iPhone.

"Oh, hyung! Did I wake you up? Sorry, I thought Bluetooth was connected," Jungkook says, quickly pausing the music and connecting the airpods.

"What's the time?" Taehyung asks through a yawn.

"It's 5:30," Jungkook replies.

"Oh! Why did you wake up so early, Jungkookie? C'mon, come and sleep for some more time," Taehyung says patting on the bed.

"No, I slept more than 6 hours. That's enough sleep for me. I'm gonna learn some Korean songs now. I'll go to the living room. You sleep for some more time, hyung," Jungkook says and already sprints out of the room. Leaving a chuckle, Taehyung lies back, hugging his pillow. But hugging Jungkookie was so much more comfortable. He never knew it'd feel so nice to sleep, hugging someone. Freya never let him cuddle her. She used to push him away whenever he tried to hug her in bed. Now as he thinks about her, he doesn't even know why he loved her.

He slowly drifts back into sleep and when he wakes up again, it is 7 Am. Lazily crawling out of the bed, he goes to the bathroom and brush his teeth. When he comes back, his phone is vibrating on the bedside table. It might be Freya again. Letting out a sigh, he goes to check the called ID. And he finds it is actually his Dad calling. So, Taehyung quickly picks up the call.

"Taehyung-ah, our cows are dying," his Dad cries in Korean as soon as he places the phone near his ear.

"Dad, what happened? What's wrong with the cows?" Taehyung asks anxiously.

"I don't know what to do, Taehyung-ah. A calf died yesterday. Two more are dead this morning. The vet thinks it is shipping fever. But the disease is spreading so fast. Five more cows are affected. We separated them from the others. They are dying. I don't know what to do if more cows start showing symptoms."

"Dad, did the vet give any medicine?" Taehyung asks.

"Yeah, but it doesn't seem to work. Taehyung-ah, didn't I tell you to become a veterinary doctor? Why did you become a bone doctor? Our cows are dying and you can't even do anything."

"Dad, calm down. What can I do when I'm here in Emerald? Call another vet and ask him to come to the farm. The cows will be okay. Story worrying," Taehyung says feeling more concerned about his Dad who has high blood pressure.

"I already called another vet. He said he'll arrive in half an hour. I'm going to the farm now. I'll call you later, Taehyung-ah," Kim Dongyoung says and hangs up the call.

"What's wrong, hyung?"

Taehyung turns around to see Jungkook at the doors. "Was that your Dad?" The boy asks walking in.

"Yeah, the cows at our farm are dying. Dad is so much worried," Taehyung replies, looking tense.

"Oh! So, are you going to the farm to treat the cows?" Jungkook asks.

"Jungkookie, I'm an ortho doctor who treats humans. Animals are treated by veterinary doctors. And how can I go to Korea all of a sudden? I need to book a flight ticket and all," Taehyung says.

"Maybe we can apparate there," Jungkook says. "And maybe I can heal the cows."

"Oh!" Taehyung gasps in surprise. "But you said you can't apparate without having a clear image of the location in your mind."

"There may be places that haven't changed. We can try," Jungkook says and summons his wand.

"What?! Are you going to try now?" Taehyung asks with an open mouth.

"Hmm.." Jungkook nods. "Let me try. There's a place I know that might not have changed much. Let me see if I can apparate there," Jungkook says and closes his eyes. Two seconds later, he disappears from the room and Taehyung gasps in shock.

Taehyung anxiously waits for Jungkook to return. When the wizard doesn't return even after a minute, he starts panicking. Jungkook said nothing bad will happen even if he is not able to apparate properly. But still, he feels so much nervous. Why isn't he coming back?

Three minutes pass and Taehyung starts getting really scared, not knowing what to do. Will Jungkookie come back? Or did he disappear forever? No! He'll definitely come back. He might be looking around in Busan. Right now, he might be so surprised seeing the changes there.

Taehyung slumps down on the bed and waits for Jungkook to come back, anxiously tapping his feet on the floor.

A minute later, Jungkook appears back in the room and Taehyung jumps up from the bed. The wizard was fully wet from head to toe but he was smiling wide at him.

"Jungkookie, where did you go? Why are you so drenched? Were you able to apparate to Korea?" Taehyung asks unable to contain his curiosity.

"Oh! I forgot to dry myself," Jungkook says and twirls the wand around him. His clothes and hair instantly become dry. "Yeah, hyung. I just came back from the Busan beachside. I thought the beach might have changed, so I apparated into the sea," he says nonchalantly.

"Oh!" Taehyung looks at the younger with wide eyes as he grins at him.

"C'mon, let's go now, hyung. It's safe. I've studied the beach. I will land you safely on land," Jungkook says and grabs the older's hands.

"Wait! Wait!" Taehyung squeals, withdrawing his hands. "I need to pack! And I need to do some shopping. Jin hyung and Jiminie will be so mad at me if I don't bring them anything."

"But we are going because your cows are dying," Jungkook says.

"Yeah, but we still need to carry some luggage. We can't go empty-handed. Otherwise, they'll get suspicious. And we can't show up so soon. I just ended the call with Dad," Taehyung says and walks out of the room. "C'mon, let's go have breakfast and then go shopping for some chocolate and stuff."

"Oh, okay," Jungkook nods following the older. "Hyung, who is Jin hyung and Jiminie?"

"Jin hyung is my older brother. Jiminie is my childhood friend. His house is only a little away from ours. We used to go to school together," Taehyung says going to the kitchen.

"Oh, best friend?" Jungkook asks.

"Yeah," Taehyung nods, opening the fridge and taking out the banana milk, checking if it is fresh. It still tastes good. He gives one bottle to Jungkook and then takes out an egg from the fridge. "Let's have fried eggs and Bacon today, okay?"

Jungkook nods and takes a sip of the banana milk. "Hyung, what is Jiminie doing in Korea?"

"He is a professional dancer. And he runs a dance school. He has a lot of students," Taehyung says, placing a pan on the stove.

"Oh! So, your hyung?" Jungkook asks seating himself on the counter in front of Taehyung.

"He runs a Diary products company. He is the CEO of it," Taehyung grins, cracking an egg into the pan. "He's also a good chef. He's planning to open a restaurant."

"Oh.." Jungkook smiles. "I wanna meet him. Is he handsome like..uhm.."

"Handsome like me?? Yeah," Taehyung chuckles. "He claims he is more handsome. He is just like Doctor Charlie. Hmm..that's why I like Charlie so much. Oh! It's fried already?" he says and quickly serves the egg on a plate. "Here Jungkookie, double it twice," he says, giving the plate to Jungkook before going to the fridge to grab a piece of bacon.

In two minutes, the piece of Bacon is also cooked and they together have breakfast until their stomachs are full.

"C'mon, now let's go shopping," Taehyung says after Jungkook cleans the plates and places them back in their positions. "Jungkookie, do you remember the shop where we had ice cream yesterday? Can we apparate near there?"

"Yeah," Jungkook nods and glances at Taehyung's pyjamas. It transforms into a white t-shirt and brown pants. After fixing the older's hair, he transforms his own clothes and then fixes his hair. Then he summons his wand and stretches his hands to Taehyung. The older smiles and takes his hands.

In 29 Daysजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें