21. Stalker Hacker

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Emerald, March 27, 10: 15 Am

"So, this is the police station? I actually imagined it differently," Jungkook mumbles as they walk into the police station barefoot. 

"Shh..don't talk," Taehyung whispers and the younger nods. Jungkook had cast an invisibility spell on both of them before walking into the police station. Even though they are invisible, the sounds they make will be heard. So, they both removed their shoes so that their footsteps won't be heard. 

Taehyung quickly grabs Jungkook's hand as the younger starts to stray towards a constable sitting at his pod. "He's not the one we're looking for," he whispers and starts quietly walking with the wizard towards the inspector's office.

Taehyung can hear some faint voices from inside as they reach the doors of Inspector Noah Anderson's cabin. He gets the blurry image of a woman sitting in front of the inspector through the glass doors. "What are they talking about?" Taehyung asks as he notices a frown on the younger's face. 

"Seems like the lady is being threatened by someone," Jungkook replies.

"Oh.." Taehyung mumbles. "We should go in when she comes out, okay?"

Jungkook nods. "Hyung, what's a hacker?"

"It's actually...uhm..it's complicated. I'll tell you later," Taehyung mutters.

"So, what's stalking?" Jungkook asks

"It means constantly following someone and making them anxious. Is that lady being stalked?" Taehyung asks. 

"Yeah, she says a guy is always stalking her," Jungkook replies.

"Maybe some psycho," Taehyung sighs. 

"The policeman said they'll warn him. Oh! They got up. She is coming," Jungkook says and steps back from the doors. Taehyung also moves away, letting the woman open the door and walk out. He gets a quick glance of her distressed face before he slips into the cabin along with Jungkook before the door closes.

"Shall I do it?" Jungkook asks in a whisper. Taehyung nods. Jungkook instantly summons his wand from Taehyung's car parked outside the station. Inspector Anderson shoots up from his chair in shock on seeing the wood floating in the air. But the next second, he falls back, limp on the chair.

"Hyung, ask him where is my pendant. He'll tell the truth if he knows it," Jungkook says.

"Okay," Taehyung nods and goes to the inspector. Jungkook follows him. 

"Inspector Anderson, did you get any information about the boy Jeon Jungkook?" Taehyung asks, bending a little and looking at the inspector's hypnotized form

"No," Anderson mumbles. 

"The forensics couldn't find anything from his clothes and chain?" Taehyung asks.

"No, they couldn't find anything. But we caught the men who were chasing him. One of their houses is in the neighborhood and he confessed to bringing the boy to his house with the boy's consent. He says he doesn't remember anything that happened after that and the boy probably knocked him out. His friends said they found him unconscious in the house when they arrived. So, one of them chased after the boy while he was trying to escape. It's when the accident happened. We still don't know who the boy is."

"Okay, so where is the boy's clothes and chain?" Taehyung asks.

"It's kept in the evidence room to be returned to his relatives if anyone ever shows up," Anderson replies.

"Where is the evidence room?" Taehyung asks.

"It's on the first floor."

"Oh, It's here? Is it kept in a locker or something?" Taehyung asks.

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