22. Candlelight dinner

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Emerald, March 27, 2 pm

"Jungkookie, c'mon let's go. Aren't you hungry?" Taehyung asks, turning around on his game chair.

"Hyung! No! This is so fun! Let me play for some more time!" Jungkook squeals in a high-pitched girly voice, staring at the game screen with utmost concentration. He is a brunette girl and Taehyung is a redhead white man for more than three hours. Taehyung wasn't nervous at all when Jungkook suggested changing both of their appearance before walking into the video game longue. He totally trusts the wizard and he said yes with practically no hesitance.

"Okay, just ten more minutes. It's already 2. And I'm feeling hungry," Taehyung sighs, leaning back on the game chair. It's almost nine hours since he ate lunch from Jimin's home and six and half hours since he last ate something, which was apparently a chocolate cone from the Busan mall. He also feels a slight headache. Maybe it's jet lag. His internal clock is probably too confused right now because of getting too much sunlight today. But then they are again going back to Korea after a few hours. Taehyung's sure he is gonna have a huge headache by then.

However, the little wizard seems to have no problem at all. He has been enthusiastically playing video games for three hours now, without any hunger or thirst.

It was easy to find the hacker guy. He was, sitting in front of a computer, working on some codes. He looked exactly like how Taehyung pictured him in his mind, small but scary. However, it just took Jungkook a few seconds to erase half of his memories after making him still on his chair using the stupefy spell. When the stunning spell was released, the guy was utterly confused and he started looking around in bewilderment. Then he sat staring at his monitor for straight two minutes until two boys came and asked him to help with a game. He was too shocked to see the game screens and he immediately barged out of the gaming lounge.

After that, Taehyung made Jungkook sit in front of a computer and explained to him how to play a racing game. Within five minutes the wizard became an expert at the game and beat the high score on the game. After that, he himself opened so many other games and beat all the high scores. Now he is playing a multi-player action game and he is determined to win.

"Jungkook-ah, enough, ten minutes is over," Taehyung says after some time.

"Hyung, Hyung, five more minutes! Please..." Jungkook says.

"No!" Taehyung says sternly. "We need to go have lunch and then I need to drive you back home before I go to the hospital. C'mon now."

"Hmm..okay," Jungkook mumbles and closes the game before getting up from his chair with a pout.

"Jungkookie, let's come here another day, alright?" Taehyung says and grabs the younger's hand.

"Okay," Jungkook tilts his head and nods.

"Good boy," Taehyung smiles and pats the younger's hair. Then he quickly leads him out of the game longue and drives them to a fancy restaurant nearby. Since he is really hungry, he decided to have a nice luxurious lunch today.

"Tae Tae hyung, are we having lunch again? We had lunch from Jiminie hyung's home. So, we must be having dinner now," Jungkook says with a grin, soon after the waiter leaves after bringing their order.

"Just imagine it is dark around and we're having dinner," Taehyung says and smiles at the younger, fondly. Although Jungkookie is a girl now, his cute bunny tooth is still there and his grin is still the same. He is so cute no matter what appearance he takes.

Suddenly, the whole surrounding turns dark and Taehyung looks around in awe to see themselves sitting in the middle of a garden-like open space with two beautiful red candles shining brightly on their table. There are also candles on the grass around their table.

"Where are we? How did you do this?" Taehyung utters in surprise, taking in the sight of the trees and bushes around. There are strange beautiful flowers on the bushes and a delightful fragrance spreads in the air.

"We are still in the restaurant, hyung. This is just an illusion. Only we can see this," Jungkook says with a wide smile.

"Gosh!" Taehyung lets out a chuckle. "Where did you even get this idea, bunny?"

"I saw in a video on YouTube last day. This is called candlelight dinner. Do you like it, hyung?" Jungkook grins.

"Yeah.." Taehyung laughs. "It's like you really took me out on a luxurious candlelight dinner. Jungkookie, you must try all this with your future girlfriend, okay?"

Jungkook just grins and grabs his fork from the plate while Taehyung smiles to himself, inhaling the combined sweet smell of flowers and food deep into his nostrils.

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