10. Bathhouse and Bubbles

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March 22, 4:45 Pm

Jungkook twirls the wand around himself while uttering a spell and Taehyung watches in awe as the woman in front of him instantly transforms back into the familiar little boy with doe eyes and bunny teeth, his black hair cascading behind his ears, just the way it was when Taehyung first found him in the operation theatre. Grinning, the boy recites another spell and his clothes change back into the hospital gown.

Taehyung smiles at him. "Jungkookie, I'll get you some clothes to change."

"Wherefore? You do not fancy this garment? I can change them over," Jungkook says.

"No, you don't have to transform it again. You have been wearing it for four days. I'll give you my clothes to change. It might be a little oversized for you. But I guess you can easily make it smaller using magic," Taehyung says.

"Oh...okay," Jungkook nods.

"Now c'mon, let me show you the bathroom," Taehyung says and walks towards the master bedroom with an attached bathroom.

"Hold! Do you mean you have a bathhouse within your house?" Jungkook asks following Taehyung into the bedroom. "Oh!" He gasps seeing the king-sized bed put against one of the walls. "This room is fair! Is this your room, Doctor Kim?" He asks looking around in the bedroom, noticing the large windows adorned with beautiful white curtains and the full-sized mirror standing against the opposite wall.

"Yeah, I mostly use this room when I stay here. Place your wand on the table and come here Jungkookie," Taehyung says, walking into the bathroom and opening the door. "Hmm.. it's a little bit dirty," he mumbles, crinkling his nose at the odour. He didn't visit the house for about a month.

"Oh! Marry! A room for bathing within the house?!" Jungkook squeals stepping into the bathroom behind Taehyung and looking in awe at the bathtub. He mutters something and suddenly a nice smell fills the bathroom and Taehyung finds the tub and the whole bathroom sparkling as if new. "Doctor Kim, do all houses nowadays have a room for bathing?" Jungkook asks excitedly. "Is that a vessel for sitting whilst bathing? Oh! And What is that?" He frowns averting his eyes towards the toilet seat.

"I guess I will have to teach you how to use the toilet," Taehyung mumbles.

"Oh, is it stool for a chamber pot??" Jungkook frowns walking towards the toilet and gawking at it. "Oh! There is water within it."

"Hmm..let me explain," Taehyung says and walks towards him. "This is called a toilet. Yes, like the chamber pots. You sit here and relieve yourself."

"Oh.." Jungkook looks at the toilet in awe, his mouth an 'o'.

"Okay, let me demonstrate it to you," Taehyung says and sits on the toilet seat. Then he starts explaining the process in detail while Jungkook listens with slightly pink ears.

"That's how we flush. Understood? Wanna try?" Taehyung asks after he shows Jungkook how to flush the toilet.

"Hmm.." Jungkook nods and presses on the flush button, trying to control his lips from spreading as the water forcefully flows into the toilet bowl. "This is so convenient," he mumbles.

"Isn't it?" Taehyung smiles. "Now, c'mon, let me show you how to bathe."

"You folk mayhap bathe every fortnight since you have a bathhouse in your house, aye?" Jungkook asks.

"I shower every day," Taehyung replies.

"Oh! Every day?!" Jungkook mumbles in surprise.

"Most people nowadays bathe every day. How often do your people bathe?" Taehyung asks.

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