1. Magic Door

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Emerald City
Match 18, 1524, 7 Pm

Jungkook winced looking at his elbow as the boys in front of him erupted into laughter. A crimson droplet splashed onto the deep red clay floor beneath him and quickly disappeared.

Just moments earlier, Jungkook was peacefully cleaning the floor and it was all of a sudden he slipped and tumbled. He was acutely aware that one of these boys, likely Caleb, was responsible for his fall. Now on his hands and knees, he clutched the mop tightly in his right hand, grimacing at the wound on his left elbow as it gradually faded into a faint scar.

"Oh, looketh! It is already mended! And he hath not used his wand!" Omari exclaimed, drawing the attention of the others. The laughter subsided, and Jungkook glanced up to see the boys staring in astonishment at his elbow.

"How did he accomplish that so swiftly? It doth usually taketh me at the least two minutes with mine wand," Arjun muttered.

"Jungkook! What manner of sorcery didst thou employ?" Caleb demanded, his face contorted with jealousy and anger.

"I didst use the common healing incantation," Jungkook sighed as he slowly rose to his feet.

"We all doth use that enchantment, yet it doth never work with such swiftness," Chaoxiang muttered.

"He must be using more potent enchantments. I do suspect he's pilfering forbidden grimoires from the library. We shouldst inform Master Alaric," Caleb declared, clenching his fists before storming off angrily. The other boys quickly followed suit.

Jungkook rolled his eyes and resumed cleaning the floor. he hasn't taken any spell books from the library or done anything wrong. But, Caleb simply keeps accusing him and causing trouble, frequently sending him to Master Alaric for interrogation. He gets chastised by the herbology master every other day due to his beloved nephew's jealousy towards anyone who outperforms him.

"Hey Jungkook!"

Jungkook turned around to see Antonio, the youngest boy at the school, coming running towards him. He was only fifteen and had recently joined the school a few months ago.

"Art thou on cleaning duty this day? The full moon doth rise once more. Wilt thou not join us in the field this eve?" Antonio asked.

"Oh, they art at it again?" Jungkook chuckled, dipping the mop into the bucket. "How many times must they fail ere they surrender?

"Jungkook, dost thou not believeth there is a chance of time travel to the future?"

"Nay, it is not feasible. The future hath not been wrought yet. So how could we journey thither?" Jungkook replied, rinsing the mop.

"Yea, that's true," Antonio nodded. "But, they do say it is possible. Hark! So, dost thou think it is possible to travel to the past then?"

Jungkook shook his head as he resumed mopping the floor. "The past is already written. We cannot journey back. The notion of time travel doth seem frivolous in mine eyes."

"Oh! I, for one, find the prospect intriguing. I shall venture to the field this eve for amusement," Antonio grinned. "And why dost thou not employ thy magic for cleansing? The masters art currently occupied in the field."

"I cannot," Jungkook sighed. "Caleb and his cohorts art present, watching me closely whilst I attend to my cleaning duties. They hath recently accused me of filching forbidden books from the library. I wish not to be suspected of using magic for cleaning as well."

"I understand. Therefore, adhere to manual cleaning. I shall refresh myself ere joining the gathering in the fields. Jungkook, thou art most welcome to accompany us. 'Tis wondrous to witness the manifestation of the magical portal,"  Antonio said.

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