3. Perfectly fine

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March 20, 12 am

"What! He walked out of the ICU?!" Taehyung stares in shock at the nurse who brought him the information. "How? Weren't you the one on duty? What were you doing?! You didn't notice until the patient walked out of the ICU?" He asks while already rushing in the direction of the Private ICU.

"Dr Kim, I was only gone for a moment. I didn't think it'd happen. And he was completely quiet," the nurse replies timidly, rushing behind him.

"No way!" Taehyung mutters, shaking his head. "How can he walk when his right leg is broken and he has an ACL injury? He must have been limping and he must have been in so much pain! There's no way he was quiet!"

"No, Dr Kim, he wasn't limping. He was walking normally on the plaster and he really didn't make a sound. I'm being honest. I was shocked when I found him outside," the nurse says, jogging behind Taehyung to keep up with his pace.

"What the!" Taehyung mutters. There's no way the boy was walking normally. How can he?!

"Dr Kim, it's not my fault! I had given him sedation three hours ago. I thought he'd only wake up tomorrow morning."

Taehyung's pace decreases due to surprise at what the nurse just said. Again?? So, it wasn't a mistake last time? Why isn't sedation working on the boy?

Soon they reach the ICU and Taehyung pulls open the heavy glass doors to see Jungkook sitting on his bed with an annoyed look on his face, his arms crossed over his chest, his right hand clutching the plaster cast, four nurses standing around his bed with worried and worn out expression on their faces.

Jungkook looks up. Instantly his lips bunch into a smile and his face lights up.

"What!" Taehyung mutters in surprise. He thought he'd find the boy groaning and writhing on the bed in unbearable pain after attempting to walk with fractured ligaments. But here he is smiling at him, looking perfectly fine. He can't be a normal human being!

"Why did you get out of the bed?" Taehyung utters, taking steps towards the boy, his eyes still wide in bewilderment.

"I sought thee," Jungkook says with a soft smile.

"You mean you were looking for me??" Taehyung asks confused.

"Yea," Jungkook nods.

"He shouldn't be talking and shaking his head according to Dr Wright," one of the nurses reminds.

"It's okay. I'll take care of it. You all can leave to your duties now," Taehyung says. The nurses stand hesitant for a moment but then oblige to his command, quietly walking out of the ICU.

Taehyung looks at Jungkook again after all the nurses leave. "Why were you looking for me?"

"May I speak?" Jungkook asks.

"Yes," Taehyung nods. He shouldn't be restricted from talking when he looks this fine.

"I recall something," Jungkook says.

"Oh, what?" Taehyung asks eagerly. Nobody has come looking for this boy yet. They really need to find out who he is and where the hell he is from.

"I doth recall how the mishap did transpire," Jungkook says and opens three fingers on his left hand. "Three young men! I was at their dwelling. One of them conveyed me there in a swift-moving carriage with four wheels. That dwelling was grand and fair. There was a chamber with lengthy chairs, then there was a chamber with a grand bed. He thrust me upon that bed and they endeavoured to engage in unseemly actions with me. I waved my wand and uttered some words. A blaze ignited the location. I fled. I fled out of a gateway and something struck me. I beheld two shining lights. Then my vision ceased."

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