Touching the flame

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Salim's POV

I poured in my maximum effort for the Presentation. I don't know what will be the reaction of our Presentation from our Professor. But, my happiness knew no bounds when I saw the comment, "Awesome work Salim" from Kayal. I was so happy that I also offered to make the power point slides. Thankfully she suggested using evernote app. So, I didn't have to share my mobile number with Megha. As with Kayal, she doesn't speak to me unless it is necessary. I think she respects my boundaries. Alhamdulillah for that.

On Thursday I got up early and had my predawn breakfast. I was thinking about my Ramadan fasting. It was just few days away. I don't know how I will manage with plain bread and jam for a whole month. Today, we had to meet few bureaucrats and I had to go in an auto along with Kayal, Rohan and Megha and I was fasting. The situation I was in was similar to keep my hand on a flame and asking Allah's (SWT) help to not get it burned.

As soon as we got inside the auto she received a call from her best friend. When Megha asked whether he was her boy friend, I tensed up. Till now, I never thought about her relationship status. What if she has a boyfriend back home? She cleared the air saying he was one of her best friends. I liked it that her besties were Muslims. On any day I will trust a Muslim brother to know his limits. She also said two other names. One name sounded Christian and the other name sounded Hindu. I was satisfied with her answer that all of them were childhood friends and they are a living proof of friendship between opposite sexes can exist without any sexual tensions. Alhamdulillah for that.

After that she said that she is still happy about being single because she hasn't found any man for whom she can sacrifice her independence. What sort of husband will I be? Will I be a dominating husband with her or will I let her have her freedom and make her my equal partner? For a second I lost myself in thoughts. But then realization hit me. What difference does it make to me? It is like checking out a dress for its size when I cannot afford to buy it. Astaghfirullah.

Soon, she started discussing about dowry system. Our family is against dowry system. Even twenty six years back my father refused dowry. So, when Rohan asked me to defend his stand I came out clear that I am against dowry system. I was amused when Kayal clapped for me. Megha also joined in. And then, Rohan was declared as the Bali ka Bakra(scape goat). It must have definitely hurt his ego. Poor guy. He was then fuming for the whole day.

Our meeting with the bureaucrats went in smoothly. All of us had a great insight with their work. We were supposed to meet one more bureaucrat after the lunch break. Kayal spoke up first, "Can we have our lunch from some nearby restaurant?"

To that I replied, "You guys carry on. I am fasting today. So I will go to a nearby mosque for my prayers."

Kayal gave me a shocked expression, "Oh my God. Do you fast on both Mondays and Thursdays? What did you have for Pre dawn breakfast? Nothing gets ready in our kitchen before 8:00 a.m?"

I was happy that she was concerned about me. "Yes, I fast on Mondays and Thursdays. I am surviving with bread and jam. Our cook makes a big cup of tea for me."

Out of the blue she asked me, "Do you miss home cooked food?

It is a bad idea to talk about food to a person who is fasting, I think I got a harsh tone "Of course yes. Everything from my Amma's tea to Idli, Dosa, Pongal, Kuzhi Paniyaaram, Chapathi, Puri, Biryaani, Thenga soru. I miss each and everything."

Normally when I speak in a harsh tone, people get uncomfortable around me. But this girl didn't show any such reaction. And we had reached the mosque. The restaurant was near the mosque. But she replied, "Umm. May your prayers be accepted."

Salim and Kayal #Watty's 2016 # YourStoryIndia #ProjectWomanUpWhere stories live. Discover now