My sweet bossy lady

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Salim's POV

The day started with Kayal's breakfast. I was really happy after eating such mouth watering food. When I texted her not to take any trouble for me, she asked me where do I come from. Harneet was also reading the message and told me that I should reply that I come from my mother's womb. I didn't find that funny. At the same time I couldn't understand why she was asking me that question. When I gave her my answer she gave me a reply of standing by each other and caring for each other. I so wished that she could stand by me and care for me throughout my life. And then Jaanu made those comments about caste. After that, I had to clear the air stating that I don't have any issue with their faith/no faiths/no castes etc.

In a way I was happy that I could eat good food during my fasting days. On the other hand, I felt bad that this woman who is so nice whom I want to call as mine will be somebody else's woman in few years time. I had a bitter sense of longing. This test for me is like letting me eat a yummy fruit for a second and then snatch it right from my mouth, saying I don't deserve it. I felt bad for myself.

In the class Professor Adhikari was provoking me. I would have said something rude which I might have regretted later if Kayal hadn't shot up her hand and defended my stand. In a way I think she always supports me, cares for me. But, I somehow have never recognized any sort of love towards me from her side. I think by nature she is a caring person. When Professor Adhikari was mocking at her for being slim and participating in hunger protests I got furious and stood up but she beat me up to it and managed the situation in a better way. She has a sharp tongue. Her reply made him shut his mouth. I like it when she stands up for herself as well as others.

In the evening I didn't want to return the lunch box empty. Harneet suggested to fill it with some Chocolates, John suggested cookies. She already eats a lot of chocolates. I don't want her to end up with cavities. I think Sara bakes nice stuff for them on Sundays. So I was against cookies as well. I had lots of Dates with me. So I thought of sharing my Dates with her. I wrote a note with my Post It and left for the girl's hostel with John. I asked her to come fast. Only after typing the message I was worried, what if she comes in some extremely casual clothing. John was also with me. I don't want John to see her in sexy clothes. Astaghfirullah. Even I shouldn't be seeing her like that. Thankfully, she wore a Kurta and Pyjama. She just got the bag from me and left with a "Thank you". What else should I expect from her? I should have been the one to say Thank you.

Only when I reached my room I got a message from her. I was enjoying the conversation with her but after few seconds, she said bye and dropped the conversation. This woman clearly knows her limits.

Next few days went fine for me. I was praying to Allah (SWT) for forgiveness on my shortcomings and help me to move on. On Thursday, she made my favorite Pongal. It was really tasty. She is from Chennai and her style of cooking is quite different from our style. I still loved it. On Friday, I started with my Ramzan fasting and she made hot fluffy Pooris with Potato Masala as side dish. It was really nice. Now, she served in a little larger quantity and all of us shared food. Every day when I have to return the box I return it with Dates. Just say, I am not creative enough to think of anything better.

On Sunday after my breakfast I went for my Peribaapu's(Father's elder brother) place and before returning I made some Biryaani, Mutton gravy, Chicken 65(Marinated chicken is deep fried, the perfect recipe for this dish was introduced in the year 1965 by A.M.Buhari, Founder of Buhari Group of Hotels, Chennai) for all of us. Yes, I know to cook. I learnt it from my grandmother who brought us up. I asked my Peribuvva (Father's elder brother's wife) to let me cook. Since she was busy in preparing a great feast for the whole family, I made the dinner for all six of us. She offered to prepare but I wanted to make it myself. When I returned to hostel I filled her box with my food and waited near Girl's hostel with John and gave her the box.

Salim and Kayal #Watty's 2016 # YourStoryIndia #ProjectWomanUpWhere stories live. Discover now