Coloring is fun

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Kayal's POV

I really enjoyed our jogging session. After that I felt more energetic. When we returned to our room, I checked my mobile and found a message from Salim in the Whatsapp group.

Salim: "The food was amazing. Thank you so much. But you don't have to take so much trouble. I am fine. Thank you again"

This guy is an idiot. Why can't he simply accept a favor? So I replied,

Kayal: "Fine with what? Where do you come from?

To this I didn't get a reply for a few seconds. What might he be thinking?

Salim: "Fine with bread and jam. I can manage. Please understand. I am from Trichy but my native is Ramanathapuram"

He is really a difficult guy.

Kayal: "Okay, don't people help each other in Trichy? Don't they stand by each other or care for each other? You don't have to be so overwhelmed for this simple gesture Salim. For the past two weeks we have been making some Idli batter and some snacks on Sundays and on Mondays we make Idli. So, I have just spoken with the cook to let me make something for you twice in the week and then for Ramzan. And yes it is not my individual effort. I made Idli, Sambhar and Jaanu made Chutney. Sara packed everything in the box.

To this I didn't get any reply for some time.

Kayal: "Salim, Okay in return for our efforts and to make you feel less awkward you can do us a favor."

Salim: "What is it?"

Kayal: "Pray for us. None of us believe in Allah but if you have a strong faith, please pray for us. Bye."

Harneet: "KJS I will also pray for all of you. Please make me food as well. Today Ali gave me half an Idli only. Next time please make a little extra."

Jaanu: "Harneet, didn't know that you would love South Indian food. Sure we will prepare a little extra. Ali, cooking is our hobby and we love to cook, so cooking some breakfast is no big deal. Chill. But, if your problem is that you are feeling uncomfortable to eat food prepared by women of other faith or with no faith and no caste like us do let us know. We will stop making you feel uncomfortable."

Salim: "KJS I don't have any problem with your faith/ no faiths/no caste etc. My worry is about returning the favor. As of now I can't think of anything, but do let me know if I can do something. From today I will definitely pray for all of you.

Jaanu: "Chill. Pray for a Nature lover for Sara's future husband."

John: "Can you please cook food for me as well. Pretty please? I will also pray."

Jaanu: "Sure John, but for your info Sara is learning to cook but is a pro when it comes to baking. So if you want muffins, cup cakes etc you know whom to ask."

John: "Thank you so much. I am getting a liking for South Indian food. Sara please, please, please cookies for me. I am missing homemade cookies.

Salim: "Okay, I will remember about Sara's preference. Anything else?"

Jaanu: "Nope, nothing. All of you, have any preferences in food?"

John: "We eat anything and everything. I think Salim eats only Halal if it is chicken or mutton."

Jaanu: "Sorry to disappoint you. We are allowed to cook only vegetarian food in our kitchen."

Salim and Kayal #Watty's 2016 # YourStoryIndia #ProjectWomanUpWhere stories live. Discover now