Want to be there for you

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Kayal's POV

I checked my mobile screen. It was Salim's number. He never calls. "Salim, any problem? Are you okay?"

"Kayal, I am okay. But, my niece has met with an accident. She needs blood immediately. O Negative Group. Blood bank does not have enough of that type. Her mother is out of town and her grandmother just recovered from Jaundice. So she cannot donate blood. I remember seeing in your Organ donor card that you belong to O Negative group. Can you please donate blood to my niece?"

"Sure, where are you right now? Where is your niece admitted?"

"I am in hostel right now. She is in K.K. Hospital. You get ready. I will wait for you outside your hostel. I will call Raju Bhai to pick us up."

"Okay. I will get ready and I will bring Sara with me."

"Yeah. Okay. I will bring John with me."


With that I disconnected the call and woke up Sara. Both of us got ready, we informed Jaanu .We woke up our warden and informed about the emergency. Since, she knows us very well she didn't hesitate to let us out. Salim and John were walking towards our hostel when we made our way out. Thankfully, Raju Bhai came quickly. Salim was extremely tensed on our way to hospital. "Salim, relax. She will be fine. Don't worry."

He nodded his head. Thankfully, the hospital was nearby. We reached the hospital in few minutes. I have been to this hospital frequently. Salim introduced me as the donor to the Nurse. As soon as Jessy, the Nurse saw me, she was shocked. Before, she could speak, I took her inside the room. She said, "Kayal, you are taking a huge risk. I cannot permit this. It is against my work ethics."

"Jessy, I know the chance I am taking. This is for a small girl. I know their family a little and I want to help them. I will be fine. Don't worry. After donating my blood, I will stay back tonight for IV fluids."

It seems that girl had lost lots of blood. O negative is a Universal donor type. Whenever there is an emergency need of a rare blood type, O Negative blood is transfused to the patients. But O Negative patients can receive blood donations from O Negative donors only. Blood Banks always have a very short supply of O Negative but the demand is more. After filling the forms, Jessy was done with me in ten minutes. She gave me some refreshments and asked me to wait.

When I was browsing my mobile for something to read, two women entered my room. One middle aged woman and one young woman. I think they are Salim's family, so I gave them a polite smile. They didn't return my smile. Why can't people return a smile? I wanted to tell them that smile costs nothing. The middle aged woman whom I assume must be Salim's aunt started speaking, "What do you think about yourself? Don't you have any shame? Don't you have any honor? Do you have any idea about respect? I can very well understand the intentions behind women like you. You women lure young Muslim men away from Islam and make them as your puppets."

"Excuse me, will you please stop it? I came here to donate blood. I have no intention to attract any Muslim men. And you have no right to speak to me like this."

"This is what all girls say. But, I know everything. You have no pride, no religion, no morals. Remember after your death you will be going to hell and you will cry with pain and agony. But, nobody will come there for you. You will be punished for each and every wrong thought of yours....."

I almost yelled at her "Enough. You are nobody to judge me and I don't need your preaching."

Before she could speak another word, I stormed out of the room. Sara was with John. Salim was with his family. All of them came near me. I said, "Let's leave."

Salim and Kayal #Watty's 2016 # YourStoryIndia #ProjectWomanUpWhere stories live. Discover now