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Readers I am updating two chapters today. This is the second chapter with a surprise. Hope you like it.

Salim's POV

After our breakfast, my Vaapa (Father) and Amma (Mother) were getting ready to meet somebody regarding their transfer. While leaving for office I informed Umar about the appointment I had booked for him with an eye specialist. I hurriedly said a bye to everybody and started walking towards the stair case. As much as possible I prefer to use stair case. Just when I was entering the parking lot, I received a call from the card shop that our wedding invitation was ready for delivery. In addition to the formal invitations prepared by our family, Kayal and I decided to design an invitation to give to our friends and close colleagues. She wrote the content and I did the designing work. I picked it on my way to work. It had come out very nicely. Since last night I was longing to see Kayal. Now I have got an opportunity.

After reaching my office, I messaged Kayal in our group. "Kayal, invitations are ready ma. Shall I come to your office in the evening on my way back to drop them?"

"I am now starting for TKN Hospital. They are inaugurating a new wing with a Minister. Have to cover the event. When I am done there, I will drop by your office. I will text you before starting from there. Is that okay Salim?"

"Okay ma."

In a way I was happy that I could meet Kayal in the morning because, I have heard from her that all the reporters will be working like maniacs in the evening before filing their report. They will be very much tensed then. It is only on rare afternoons that Kayal has her lunch in the office. She mostly has lunch in whichever place she is stuck at that time. TKN Hospital is in the same lane as in my office. The thought of meeting Kayal in few hours made me work really fast.

Almost an hour later the smell of fire reached my cabin. From my window I could see that some building was burning. Ya Allah. Please let everybody be safe. Many of our employees rushed to the terrace to see what is happening. Only after reaching the terrace I found out that it was TKN Hospital which was in fire. Ya Allah. I called Kayal. She didn't pick up. I was worried and called her again. She still didn't pick up. I rushed from the terrace to reach down. On my way Francis Sir caught me. "Ali, what happened?"

"Kayal is in TKN Hospital."

"Don't worry. She is experienced in first aid and rescue service. She can take care of herself. Be careful."

He knows that Kayal is my Fiancée. I nodded my head and started running towards that hospital. Taking my car means I will be blocking the road for fire engines. There were already few vehicles stuck in the middle of the road. I prayed to Allah(SWT), please don't let anything happen to Kayal. Please. I beg you.

It was completely chaotic when I reached that hospital. Alhamdulillah, the fire was contained to one small wing which was away from the main building. I was running around in search of Kayal when I heard a loud wailing sound. I turned towards the sound to see a young Doctor carrying Kayal in his arms and running. She was crying with pain. Ya Allah. I ran and got her in my arms from that Doctor saying, "I am her Fiancé."

That guy nodded his head and said, "Emergency room is in the first left, second room. Take her there immediately."

Kayal saw me and cried, "Salimmm, it is paining. It is paining."

"Please don't cry ma. You will be fine. I am just taking you to the emergency ward."

Within a minute, I went to the emergency ward. I placed her in the cot. Kayal was in uncontrollable tears screaming in pain. One middle aged Male Doctor and one young Male Doctor came rushing inside. First the middle aged Doctor said, "Thank you so much for saving so many lives ma. Thank you very much. Sir, who are you? Please wait outside."

Salim and Kayal #Watty's 2016 # YourStoryIndia #ProjectWomanUpWhere stories live. Discover now