Glossary and Reference

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Islamic Terms

Allah (SWT) – The God. SWT is the abbreviation for 'Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala' meaning 'Glory to him, The Exalted'. This abbreviation or word is supposed to be used while mentioning His name. 'Allah' emphasizes on Monotheism because apparently there is no plural form for Allah in Arabic. Allah is also gender neutral. But 'He' is the preferred form of Pronoun because like Hindi, Arabic also doesn't have a neutral gender and translating Allah as 'It' in English would be demeaning. 'They' or 'them' cannot be used because that would mean Allah is plural. (Eg. In Hindi we say 'Dharwaza khul gaya'. But door is not a male. It is just assigned that gender).

Assalamualaikum – Muslims use this word as a way of greeting. The full form is Assalamualaikum Wa Rahamatullahi Wa Barakatuhu which can be translated as 'May peace be upon you'.

Wa'alaikum Assalam – Return greeting for Assalualaikum, which can be translated as 'And upon you be peace'.

Alhamdulillah – All the praises and thanks to be Allah

Astaghfirullah – I seek forgiveness from Allah. This word is generally used after saying, doing or thinking something wrong by mistake.

Aameen – Some Scholars say that Aameen is an abbreviation of 'Allahummastajib lana' which means 'Allah, please accept our invocation' or 'O Allah, respond to what we have said'. The other version is it is derived from the Arabic word 'Amana' meaning 'So be it'.

Bismillah – In the name of God

Insha Allah – If Allah wills it.

Masha Allah – It is an equivalent term for Thank God. It can also be said as 'God willed it'. It is a general reminder to say that all things happened because of God. In some cultures Masha Allah is also said as a way to ward off evil eyes. Eg. You are looking beautiful, Masha Allah.

Subhan Allah – Glory to God.

JazakAllah Khair – May Allah reward you goodness.

Barakallahu Feek – JazakAllah can be responded with this. It means 'May Allah bless you'.

Wa iyak – JazakAllah Khair can be responded with Wa iyak. It means 'And I pray the same to you'.

Dua - Supplication

Hafiz – A man who knows The Holy Quran by heart.

Hafiza – A woman who knows The Holy Quran by heart.

The Holy Quran – Literally meaning 'The recitation' is the central religious text of Islam which Muslims believe to be a revelation from Allah (SWT).

Prophet (PBUH) – Refers to Muhammad (PBUH), according to Islam the last messenger and Prophet sent by God to guide humanity. PBUH is an abbreviation of 'Peace be upon Him'.

Moulvi - A honorary title in Islam given to a religious scholar.

Imam – The person who leads prayers in a Mosque.

Hadith – One of various reports of words, action or habits of Prophet (PBUH).

Fajr – Prayer done at the beginning of dawn.

Dhuhr – The noon prayer.

Asr – The afternoon prayer.

Maghrib - The sunset prayer.

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