Chapter 8

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Ruqayyah's POV

"Thank you so much for the dinner and the ride," I tell my sister when we arrived at my dorm building.

"It's nothing." She smiles and I return one before opening the door to leave, "Ruqayyah,"

"Yes," I turn back when I hear her call my name.

"You know I didn't believe you, right?"

"Believe me in what?"

"I know you hate revising in public places. You were in the park for another reason and I want to know why."

I knew she wouldn't believe me. She's my sister, she knows me too well. But I don't feel like telling her the truth, not right now at least.

"It's just_ " I begin but I'm interrupted by her.

"Not now, but get ready for this conversation when you come back home for the weekend." She interrupts me and I thank her, mentally.

"JazakAllah Khair. Assalamu Aleykum." I say and leave after I hear her reply.

JazakAllah Khair = May Allah reward you with goodness.

Assalamu Aleykum = Peace be upon you

I enter my dorm room and I don't see Aisha there. It's still 20:35 pm, maybe she's having dinner at Mazzini. But to be honest, I didn't see her all day. Where could she be? Anyways, whatever she does is none of my business.

My phone rings and that's when I remember that I should've called my dad, just like he asked me to. I look at the screen to find that the caller isn't my dad, but my mum instead.

"Assalamu Aleykum, mum."

"Where are you, Ruqayyah Deen?"

Her voice sounded stern, just like whenever she's angry at me. It's been a while since she spoke to me like that. The last time she did, was when I was in secondary school and I got my first detention. Although I told her it was a whole class detention and that I was just there because I was part of the class, she didn't care.

"In my dorm room..." I respond quietly. When she's mad at me, I know I shouldn't elevate my voice or even talk to her the way I normally talk. She uses every little thing against me.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, what happened?"

Wait! Did dad tell her? Maybe that's why she's mad. My mum is not calm like my dad and she will make this a big scene for the rest of my life.

"Ruqayyah, I'm going to ask you a question and I want you to be honest."


"Do you have a boyfriend?"

"What? Why are you asking that?"

"So it is true." She affirms.

"What? No, of course not."

"That's not what I was told."

"Did dad really tell you I had a boyfriend? Mum, I was at a coffee shop. Everybody hangs out there."

"What are you talking about? I didn't talk to your dad since he went for work this morning and he's not back yet."

Oh, no! I think I just got myself in a bigger mess.

"Are you telling me that you now hang out with boys?" She yells over the phone, causing me to drop my phone on the bed. I couldn't stop the tears once again. My mum is nothing like my dad. She will not even let me explain myself. Her point of view is always the correct one.

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