Chapter 11

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Ruqayyah's POV

I was in my last lesson of the day, Sociology. Today was not a good day for me as I could barely focus during any of my lessons. Especially literature and psychology. All because of Alex. Well, I can't really blame him as I was the one staring at him which took. away all my concentration. I don't know why I couldn't stop focusing on him especially in literatrure because we sit together, but also knowing that he didn't notice me staring or simply didn't care makes me feel a certain type of way. What was I expecting? I told him to stay away from me.

When I heard the bell, everyone quickly left. Thanks Allah today is Friday, I think this week was just too much stress. I realise I am alone in the room with the Sociolgy teacher so I walk to the door and leave the room. When I am outside the college I notice Youssef talking to one of his friends but as soon as he saw me, he said something to his friend before jogging to me.

"Assalamu Aleykum, Ruqayyah. Heading to the dorms?" He asks taking his last steps towards me.

"Waaleikumu Salam, yes and you?"

"I'm actually going straight home from here. Are you going home for the weekend?"

"Yes, I could never stay here during the weekend," I say making him chuckle.

"I hope you have a nice weekend and don't forget me." He stops and I smile turning my head to watch him jog back to his friends

He's probably waiting for Aisha. She brought all her staff ready this morning in her car.

As I am two minutes away from my dorm building, I am pulled into a very narrow alleyway making me scream from the fright as my heart beat went completely mad.

"Let goooo!" I scream trying to free myself from whoever that person was.
I could already feel the tears filling my eyes. A hand is put over my lips so I wouldn't scream but that didn't stop me. I grab the hand and I bite it as childishly as it may sound. Arrgh, I knew I should have done karate lessons back when Zeinab was doing them.

Suddenly it's not only my scream but also the scream of whoever had pulled me here. I finally release his hand and I look carefully at the person.


"You Are Absolutely Crazy!" He says making pauses for each word and I give him a weak smile.

"Oops... Well, who told you to scare me like that. You're lucky I didn't do worse." I state in annoyance before grabbing my water bottle from my bag. This was intense.

"What is worst than trying to bite my hand off?" He says and snatches my water bottle off me to apply it on the palm of his hand.

"What do you want?" I asked pushing him a little back since I couldn't move because I was between the wall and him and he was way too close. I had to look up since he was a little taller than me. Well, a little? That's an understatement.

"You tell me not to talk to you and you are all friendly and giggly with Youssef?" He says with certain arrogance.

Woah! Wait up a little. Seriously? He stopped me for this?

"First of all, me and Youssef are not even friends, second of all, when was I giggly with him?"

"Whenever you are together,"

"Your point?" I cross my arms in front of me and wait for him to speak.

"Why can you be friends with Youssef but not with me?"

"I am not friends with Youssef! We just happen to talk sometimes." I speak a little louder perhaps he didn't hear it the last time.

"Do you like him?" He asks to my surprise.

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