Chapter 40

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Ruqayyah's POV

"What does InshaaAllah mean?" Bianca asks the thousandth question just today.

"If God wills," Zeinab responds.

It was Fajr time and I had already used the bathroom with Zeinab. We were waiting for Dina to finish her wudu so we can pray together.

"Basically everything you guys do or say is thinking about Allah and putting Him above all. It amazes me!" She states. "What were you guys doing in the bathroom?"

"Wudu, which is what Muslims have to do before praying," I reply, "We basically have to wash ourselves, not entirely, but some parts and then we can pray."

"So if I want to pray I'll have to do wudu?" She asks and I nod, "Can you teach me how to do it?"

"I can definitely teach you, but the thing is, it will not be accepted. It is just another activity without reward that you will be doing."

"If you join others in worship with Allaah, (then) surely, (all) your deeds will be in vain, and you will certainly be among the losers"

[al-Zumar 39:65]

"Oh, then how do I get the reward?" She asks as Dina enters the room right then.

"By uttering the shahada." Dina answers for me, "The testimony of faith. Testifying that there is no God except Allah and that Muhammad is HIS slave and messenger." She completes it and Bianca nods with a thinking expression.

"So you all had to recite that before doing wudu?"

"No, we were born Muslim. But regardless, even us Muslims should say 'Laa ilaaha illa Allah' There is not god except Allah, every day. In fact, after finishing wudu, the dua to be recited begins with the testimony of There is no god except Allah." I explain and she nods.


I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing. It was already ten in the morning, but the girls were all sleeping. Why do I always have to be awakened by someone calling?

Must be Alex again.

Yes, I'm right, it's him.

"Hello?" I say in a sleepy voice.

"Hello, is this Ruqayyah?" The person on the other side asks.

I sit on the bed when I realise it is not Alex.

"Who's this?" I ask.

"I'm Alex's mum. Is Alex with you?"

"No, why?"

"He left really early this morning and he didn't tell anyone where he was going. And I'm really worried because he had an argument with his dad before leaving. I can't contact him, he left his phone here." She sounded desperate and I could hear her sniffle. She must have been crying.

"He's not here. I can help you find him if you have any idea where he can be." I state, wide awake.

"Yes, that would be great. I'm sorry for any inconvenience caused. I just thought, maybe he went there because he spoke to me about you a few times." She explains.

Wait, he talks to his mum about me?

"I can meet you wherever you are and from there we will look for him. I don't think he's anywhere near here." She proposes.

"I will send you the address to his phone."

"Thank you so much for what you are doing my dear."

After hanging up, I send my address to Alex's phone for his mum and get out of bed. I open my wardrobe and grab my simple black abaya with a waist belt. I wear my headscarf and put my shoes on.

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