Chapter 30

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Alex's POV

It was just midday and I still had one whole hour until lunch, but I was already starving. I never knew boring places made me hungry. And this stupid suit with the suffocating tie is so annoying. Let me draw the scenario for you lot.

I was sitting down on a leather office chair with a desk in front of me. Tones of A3 papers with drawings of dresses, clothes in general and shoes on it. Anything that's wearable. My family owns a clothing company. It is nice to wear clothes, but making them... not even gonna talk about it.

I had a pen in between my teeth as I untied my tie because I am so not sitting here until it suffocates me to death. Am I being dramatic? Perhaps. I was looking at the same drawing since I came here as I rolled around in my chair.

Everything is calm until I hear a knock on the door, "Come in," I stop rolling on the chair and hold the pen in between my fingers.

"Hey, it's me, I'm so sorry to disturb... Uh, your dad, I mean, Mr Turner told me to bring these few more drawings." It was the receptionist. I remember being presented to all of the employees as soon as I arrived. She owned a long, wavy, blonde hair and hazel eyes. I'm afraid I don't remember her name.

"Few?" I laugh nervously, "I don't think Mr Turner knows the meaning of few." I reply and she giggles, she tried not to, but ended up anyways. It's not like my dad is listening behind the door, and even if he was, I didn't say anything bad. "But whatever, hand it in." I stand up to grab the papers from her and then sit back on my seat, adding them to the pile of papers. I doubt I'll even do this.

"I can see you still have a lot to go through. I would've finished that in an hour." She says stepping forward to peek at the drawings.

"Oh, thank you for the show-off," I play and she seems to take it serious.

"I didn't mean it in that way, I'm so sorry... I'll leave."

"Calm down, I was just playing. I don't know how Mr Turner treats y'all here, but I'm the chill version of him alright." I tell her and she smiles.

"I think I should go back to work before I get fired."

"Mr Turner wouldn't fire someone for being less than a minute off work," I state, convinced that what I said was correct, but after her look, I got it. I know nothing about my dad in here. This is only my first day. "Say no more,"

"I'll get going now." She opens the door to leave.

"Wait... Uh..." I forgot her name.

"You can call me Suzy,"

"Suzy, sure. What time is lunch?"

"One o'clock,"

I knew it, I just hoped I was wrong.

"I'll see you at lunch, maybe."

"You will definitely see me. At lunch, I'll be flying out of this office." I state and she laughs before leaving the room.

I try to concentrate and rate a couple of drawings so my dad can see I tried at least.

After half an hour gone I had already rated half of the drawings. I notice there's a new trend coming out, I never saw these type of clothes before. But I like it.

After a while, I hear a knock on the door, "Yes?"

"It's me. So how is your first day going?" My dad asks.


"You will get used to it," He does a proud smile.

How can someone get used to boredom?

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