Chapter 54

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Alex's POV

"So what did the doctor say?" I ask as I arrive at the hospital, finding my mum sitting in the waiting room.

"The surgery went well, and the cells are functioning well so far. I saw your dad earlier, he's just a little weak from the surgery, but he still wants to see you. He asked a lot about you."

"I'll go see him now."

"Sure, just be ready for what you're going to hear." She says what felt like a warning.

"Why? What is he going to say? Is it bad?"

"Go and you'll see." She gives me a smile and I walk to my dad's room.

I knocked on the door before entering. He was laying in bed, his eyes closed. A lot of tubes connected to his body. I sat down in front of him as he peacefully slept.

I know he has done a lot of bad things, but I don't want to lose him. After all, he is my dad. I can hate him as much as I want to, but it will never be enough to wish him death.

"Thinking that I've almost lost you and that our last conversation wasn't the best conversation father and son can have. If not one of the worst. I'm not trying to rebel against you, I swear I'm not... but I'm not giving up on someone I love because of you. I'm sorry dad. But I want you to know I love you equally. Whether you accept this relationship or not. Maybe I would love you more if you did accept it." I tell him even though he could not hear me. I am sure I won't be able to tell him this when he is awake.

"I love you too my son." I heard my dad say and I immediately look at him to see him awake and looking at me.

"I thought you were sleeping."

"I heard everything you said. You don't need to apologize... I do." He says to my surprise. "I'm sorry I tried to ruin your life just like my stepdad ruined mine. I understand if you don't want to follow the same career as me, and I think you are great at football. I didn't tell you, but I was there at your last match. I watched the whole game and I cheered for you when you scored. I saw you with Ruqayyah, but I used the newspaper as an excuse just to pretend I saw it from there. I wasn't really going to say anything about it, but then I don't know what happened, my stepdad came into my mind and I had to say something or I would feel like I'm disappointing him. But now.. I just want you to be happy doing what you want. You are an adult now, you obviously know what you want. The path you want to follow. So do what your heart tells you. I'm not going to influence your decision in any way. I want you to be happy... and if that includes... Ruqayyah... I won't stop you. I saw how down you were these couple of weeks. If she's one of the things that will make you happy, then go for it. Don't lose her for nothing in this world. I can see she's really special for you." Every word my dad said, made me wonder if this was really my dad. I never thought I would be alive to see my dad change this way. "I know it is strange this coming from me, but I was thinking... What if I died from the accident? What if after that accident I slept to never wake up again? Our last conversation would have been me stopping you from being happy. Me being against everything that makes you happy. If there was life after death, I would have never forgiven myself for living this world disappointing so many people that I love." He breathes and I give him a small smile as I wipe the tear that had fallen down my cheek.

"Thank you, dad." I hold his hand and he gives me a weak smile.

"I would like to talk to Ruqayyah, is she here?"

"I can call her."

"Please do that. And ask her to come with her dad. I would like to talk to him."

I can not express in words how happy I am right now. My mum told me to be ready, but it never crossed my mind it was for this.


I was at the waiting room with my mum waiting for Ruqayyah and her dad. I called her about an hour ago. They should be here soon.

Damn, why am I so nervous?

"Assalamu Aleykum," I greet Ruqayyah and her dad when they reached us.

After the long greetings, Mr Deen left towards my dad's room.

"That's your dad? I think I already met him." My mum says with a thinking expression.

"Maybe because he was your husband's friend from childhood?" Ruqayyah suggests and I look at her confused. I never knew about that.

"Oh yes, that's him." My mum confirmed seemingly surprised.

"What are you talking about?" I ask them.

After my mum told me the whole story of my dad's best friend and why they split up, she went to get a coffee at the hospital's coffee shop with Ruqayyah.

I get up when I find Mr Deen leaving my dad's room.

"How was the talk?" I ask.

"Very impressive. That was the same Lewis I knew back in secondary." He says, quite surprised, and I give him a smile. "Where's Ruqayyah?"

"She went to grab a drink from the coffee bar with my mum," I reply somewhat nervous.

"Great. So we can talk." He sits down and signals for me to sit next to him.

If I tell y'all my heart never beat this fast, I mean it!

"I spoke to Ruqayyah about what you asked me." He begins. "She also said that she liked you and wanted to get married to you."

"What do you say?" I ask. We finally have my dad on our side, the least I need right now is Ruqayyah's dad to refuse as well.

"It's her choice, not mine," he answers. "But you seem like a really nice young man and I see how much you like my daughter, you even stood up to your dad for her." He says and no need to ask how does he know, my dad probably told him. "But I'll give you my answer after you convert." He says at last.

"I'll convert right now." I tell him honestly.

"I'm heading to the mosque now. You can come with me and convert there." He suggests and I smile before going to let my mum know I was leaving.

She seemed to be having a fun conversation with Ruqayyah as they drank their drinks.

"Mum, I'm leaving with Mr Deen," I said.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm... going to convert." I tell her and although both her and Ruqayyah knew, they were still surprised.

"Are you going now?" My mum asks.


"Alright." She gets up to give me a hug and I say goodbye before leaving.


Short chapters so I posted two of them.
We are approaching the end, stay tune💕💕

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