Chapter 46

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Ruqayyah's POV

"After you have taken a normal shower, with a completely different water from the one you took the shower with, that's if you used a bucket or anything to fill the water in, you'll have to take all that water out and make sure you are doing ghusl with a different clean water. For ghusl you have to first make the intention, wash your hands three times, then wash your private parts, then do wudu. After wudu, you wash your hair, make sure the water touches your every single hair part. Then wash your arms, under arms and shoulders. Starting from the right side then the left side. Lastly you pour water over your whole body and you're done."

"The wudu is what you girls always used to do before praying. I read that it's what every Muslim does before they pray. We have to do it after a deep sleep and after using toilet. You have to make intention, then wash your hands 3 times, wash your mouth 3 times, rinse your nose 3 times, wash your face 3 times. Then wash your right arm up to your elbow 3 times, and then move to your left arm and do the same. Then wipe your hair which is known as masah. Using your wet hands, gently wipe the entire head once, from the forehead to the back of the head. Wipe your ears inside and out once and wash both of your feet up to the the ankles and be sure water goes between the toes." She tells me every step of wudu and I am impressed.

"MashaAllah! You know it all." I was really happy for her, "I'll leave my clothes here, when you're finished with the shower, you can just pick an outfit."

"JazakAllah Khair Ruqayyah, you are a great friend." She hugs me and I offer her a smile before she grabbed her towel and went to the bathroom. I also leave towards the second bathroom to have my shower as well.


"Mashaa Allah!" I am impressed as I leave the bathroom and see Bianca's final look. She was wearing my purple abaya with its purple belt tied around the waist.

"How do I look?" She asks a little nervous.

"You look incredible! Mashaa Allah!"

"Alhamdulilah. I need help with the hijab, I don't even know what I did right now." She says and we both laugh as I pay attention to her hijab.

"I'll show you how to do it and you'll try it yourself," I say and we walk to the mirror in my room.

After a couple of times showing her how to tie a hijab properly, she finally learns it. But I'll have to admit that she was a little too fast at getting it.

"I'm done!" She says in excitement after she had her shoes on.

"Let's go then, twenty minutes until they pray Isha." I tell her and we both grab our handbags before leaving the room.

"Isha is the last prayer of the day, isn't it?" She asks me.

"Yes, it is. Mum, we are going to pray in the mosque." I yell and she comes to the living room with Khadija.

"Oh, are you leaving Bianca alone?" My mum says as she reaches us.

"She's coming with me," I say as I point at Bianca next to me.

"I converted." Bianca gives a shy smile, clarifying my mum's doubts.

"SubhanAllah!" My mum walks to her and gives her a hug, "When was this?" My mum asks.

"Not long ago. Dad helped her say the shahada (testimony of faith)." I respond.

"Masha Allah!"

"I wanted to ask about the name changing. Is it compulsory to change?" Bianca asks my mum.

"Depends. If your name does not mean anything that goes against God, you can keep it. It's up to you." My mum explains.

"I don't think it does, but I still wanted to change it to Hafsah."

"You can. As long as your surname remains the same. Surnames represent the family you come from, mostly father's last name. So you can not change your surname."

"Hafsah Evans sounds fine to me." She smiles as she pronounced her surname.


After praying in the mosque, we spent most of the evening buying clothes for Bianca. She also bought Qur'ans because she obviously hasn't got any. We planned everyday in my dorm or hers, I would help her with the Qur'an recitation. But that's only until college ends then she said she will go to an Islamic school to learn the Qur'an and Islamic studies.

After the shopping, I help her put everything in the luggage ruck of her car and I give her a hug before she left towards her home.

I head to my room to sleep, even though tomorrow is Sunday and it's probably too early for me to sleep now, but I don't care. If I stay awake, I know that all I will do is think about Alex and I don't want to waste any more tears right now


"Aren't you supposed to be going college?" My sister asks as I wash the dishes after we ate dinner. She was helping me dry them.

"I'll go in a little bit," I respond.

I don't want to go early. I want to get there and go straight to sleep. I am now using sleep as a way to forget my problems.

"Let's go." She wipes her hand in the kitchen towel and I do the same.

"Where?" I ask as I follow her out.

"I'm going to take Ruqayyah to college, I'll be back soon." Hannah tells our parents and her husband before grabbing her coat.

My bag was already on the hanger near the door so I grab it on my way out.

"I'll drop you off today and Friday I will pick you up because you're sleeping over at my house." She tells me and I nod. If she is saying this it's because she has already planned it with my mum. I do need a distraction as well.

"Take care girls. I'll see you on Saturday Ruqayyah. Assalamu Aleykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakaatuhu." My mum says before I left with my sister.

"Now that we left home, can you tell me why you look so down?" She says as she starts driving.

"You don't need to worry about it,"

"Ruqayyah, I am worried about you. I have never seen you this down. Whatever it is, you can_"

"I'm in love with a non-Muslim," I admit as I interrupt her. I look down, avoiding her surprised expression.

"What? A guy from your college?"

"Yes. His name is Alex."

"Alex? Is he the Alex guy that mum was talking about?"

My mum told her about Alex coming to my house to learn more about Islam. My mum did seem impressed by Alex's positive attitude.

"Yes, that's him."

"Oh... But according to what mum said, he is very interested in Islam. Perhaps he will convert soon." My sister says.

"That is not the problem." I sigh, "We are not even friends anymore. Even if he converts... we can't be together."

"Does he not feel the same way about you?" She asks, confused to why we can't be together.

"You don't understand,"

"No, I don't understand. Mum and dad wouldn't say no if he converted and asked for your hand in marriage. You know they don't make a big deal about differences in culture. Maybe mum might comment a little, but she won't completely oppose, neither will dad."

"I know."

"So, what's the problem?"

"It's a lot more complicated than that... It's okay, I will eventually forget him someday... Let's talk about something else, please." I ask and she reluctantly agrees. I usually tell my sister everything, but not this time. Talking about it won't solve anything.

"Assalamu Aleykum and thank you for the talk," I tell my sister when she parked outside my dorm.

"If you need to talk, just give me a call and I will come here." She says and I give her a hug before leaving the car.

I walk to my dorm and notice Aisha sleeping on her bed already. I made sure I did not wake her up as I changed into my pyjamas. I lay down on my bed until sleep overtakes me.

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