Chapter 18

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Ruqayyah's POV

Everybody remained quiet for a good amount of time except Bianca who kept blabbing about everything and anything. She is sharing every detail of her life with us and I am so certain that she will regret this when she returns to normal. Especially telling us how she got her first period during her maths classroom and the guy next to her noticed. Aisha had shoved so many chips in Bianca's mouth but I guess she gave up now since Bianca wouldn't stop talking anyways.

"Now, y'all, this is the best story, when my parents found out that I lo_" Before Bianca could even finish the sentence, it was my turn to shove another chip into her mouth. "Damn, you guys really like to feed me chips, don't you?" She smiles and chews on the chip.

I sigh in relief that she did not return to that topic again, but she was gonna mess up again, I can feel it. As Youssef removes his jacket, Bianca continuously stared at every movement of his.

"Damn!" Bianca says all of a sudden and she looks at me, "He lowkey hot...alright who am I kidding, he high key hot." She whispers to me, or at least she thought she whispered, but the whole table heard it, including Youssef. Alex and Aisha were trying to contain their laughter as Youssef felt uncomfortable in his seat, "And I haven't really told this to anyone but, you seem trustworthy enough." Bianca says to me thinking that nobody is listening to us, "Even after all the grudge I hold against him, I lowkey still crush on him... Alright who am I kidding, I high key still crush on him." She says and I immediately regret not having shoved another chip in her mouth. She is so gonna regret this and probably hate me for letting her say this.

"I think this dinner has done it's job. We've definitely hang out and got to know each other... To a more than personal level... So, Imma roll with Bianca and get her home." Aisha says and finishes her drink before getting up.

"Are you sure, I can go with you if you want?" I tell her and Youssef gets up instead.

"It's fine, I'll go with them and drop Aisha to her dorm later." Youssef offers and I nod in agreement.

"I'll see y'all tomorrow," Youssef says as Aisha holds Bianca's hand for her to go with them.

"But, already? I thought we were staying a bit longer." Bianca says in disappointment.

"Nop, we're not, let's go. I'll see you soon Ruqayyah." Aisha says and exits the restaurant, pulling Bianca with her.

I immediately regret not having gone with them. Being alone with Alex after our conversation near the beverage machine is the most awkward thing ever.

I pretend I don't notice his eyes on me and I just continue eating my chips.

"Do you wanna talk?" He asks and I knew what he wanted to talk about.

I don't answer, I just grab another chip but before I could bring it to my mouth, Alex leans closer and eats it instead. I look at him as he knew perfectly that that was my last chip, but he only smiles in amusement.

"You can have mine." He says and I knew he just wanted me to interact with him somehow. "Here," He says and I watch him bring a chip to my mouth.

"I'm eighteen, just in case you forgot." I remind him making him chuckle.



"It's romantic, I guess."

"You wanna be romantic."

"Yeah, but only for you." He says and managed to flatter my heart as he always does.

I eat the chip and he smiles at me, "I hope you're happy now." I tell him as I grab my drink to take a sip.

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