Chapter 34

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Ruqayyah's POV

Today is Friday and I am in my last lesson of the day before going to the football match that the guys are having against Treeton College. I know I said I wouldn't go, but I changed my mind. I and Alex are talking again. I hope this time it lasts. We survived three days already. Today I have seen him, but we didn't talk much.

Thankfully Jess has been calm the whole week and she hasn't tried to annoy me in sociology class anymore.

I receive a text from Bianca responding to what I asked her. I was still trying to find out about the cameras in room 28. I asked Bianca and she confirmed that the room had a camera in there, but it only shows a certain angle. Now let's hope it recorded Aisha and Damian in there. Aisha told me the teacher's name was Damian. I just told Bianca that I was helping someone out, but I didn't tell her who. She told me that speaking to the headteacher would be useless because he won't look at the cameras unless we have evidence before that. So, she suggested we find the maintenance room where all recorded tapes stay. I'm sure that place is locked at seven keys. No way I would find it or even less, enter it.

"What's up with you and the maintenance room?" I hear a voice and I almost jump out of my seat. It was Jess.

"Are you reading my texts?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. But the word maintenance kept popping up and I got curious. Not many care about that room. What is in there that you want?" She asks me. Wait, did she just apologise to me?

"Why do you care?"

"Because if your reason is good enough, I can show you the place and perhaps even help you get in." She smiles and I do not doubt that she could do that.

"How do you know where it is?"

"I've been there multiple times. It is one of the few places that there are no cameras and it's cool for me to do my business." She smirks.

"But only teachers are allowed in there."

"I was with a teacher." She smiles teasingly. Why do I have a feeling that I know well enough which teacher she is referring to? "So, do you want my help or not?"

"You hate me, why would you want to help me?"

"Error, I don't hate you. I-I... I was just jealous. There you go, I admitted it. I was jealous because Alex liked you instead of me. But now I have come to terms with it. On Monday, I spoke to him and he made me realise that there is no point going after a man who does not correspond to your feelings." She looks down, seeming to remember. So that's what they were talking about?

"What are you trying to say?"

"Let's start it all over again. Let's put all the grudge behind and perhaps try to develop a friendship." She smiles and I make it clear that I am not fully convinced yet.

"Uh... Okay... Sure by me." I respond either way as I lock my phone and pay attention to the lesson. I wasted too much time.


"So!" A voice suddenly startles me as I pack my bag. I thought I was the only one in the class.

"Jess, I thought you had left," I tell her as I see her come next to me.

"I was waiting for you outside, but you were taking ages."

"O.kay... Uh, I know I said we could start over, but perhaps we didn't get to this level yet."

"I know. I'm just here to prove that I have changed."

"And how would you do that?"

"By taking you to the maintenance room, right now." She smiles and I close my bag before turning to her.

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