LAST CHAPTER - Chapter 58

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Ruqayyah's POV

As I sat inside the closet, in front of my mirror, I think of shades to use on my eyelids. I am really confused. I am going to have dinner with my parents in three hours and I am still not ready. Abdullah (Alex) is currently at football practice, but he should be done by now. I promised I'd be done by the time he arrived, but here I am. I haven't even chosen what to wear yet. It's not because of the lack of clothes because I have loads, but the perfect one for my first dinner with my husband in my parent's house, is the problem.

I decide to go search on the Internet for some makeup looks. I find one made of dancing queen and rosewood, which could easily go with a purple and gold dress I have here, the one Abdullah (Alex) bought for me a month ago and I just used it once so far. I didn't realize how long I spent looking for makeup looks and clothes, but it must have been for really long because it's time to pray now. Since Abdullah (Alex) hasn't come yet, I suppose he had a shower at the changing rooms and decided to go pray at the mosque before coming home. Better for me. I'm not done getting ready yet. But first things first, prayer.

After praying, I sit back down on my chair in front of the mirror and start my makeup. As soon as I'm done, I smile proudly at the final look. I don't usually get it right when it comes to copying internet looks, but this one is right on point.

I rub the smile off when I hear someone come up the stairs. Abdullah (Alex) must be here already and I don't even know what to wear. I immediately get up towards my clothes to search for my purple and gold dress.

"Baby," I hear Abdullah (Alex) call me and I suppose he just entered the bedroom.

"I'm in the closet," I let him know as I grab my purple dress. "I know what you're going to say. I am almost done, so no need to rush me." I say before he could even say anything.

"Assalamu Aleykum," He greets before kissing me on the cheek.

After my response, I step back towards my clothes.

Wait, is that my blue dress? - I think to myself as I see it right next to the purple one.

Oh, no! I'm confused again.

I turn to Abdullah (Alex) as he grabbed some clothes on his side with no difficulty at all.

So this is it? I'm here literally for over an hour deciding what to wear and he finds the perfect clothes in like five seconds?

"What is it now?" Abdullah (Alex) asks when he notices my expression. He knows me too well.

"Uh... Nothing. Everything under control." I give him a smile and indicate that he could go back to the bedroom.

Alright, what game do kids be playing to decide who's going to be 'catch' again? Or should I turn a coin and if it lands on the head I choose the purple one, if it lands on the crown, I choose the blue one?

I am going crazy over this. It's our first dinner together with my parents and I guess I am a little bit nervous. Okay, who am I kidding? I am extremely nervous.

I give up and sit down on the carpet which covered the closet's floor. I guess I'll have to wait for Abdullah (Alex) to decide.

I don't remember when was it that Abdullah (Alex) got back inside but I am taken away from my thoughts when I hear him laugh.

"So everything under control huh?" He says as he steps towards me. "You can't decide, can you?" He asks as he holds my hand to help me get up.

It's frustrating. I hate having to decide between two things I like.

"So..." I grab the blue dress along with the purple one and turn to him. "Which one?"

"SubhanAllah, what a hard decision." He says sarcastically and I knew what he would say. "Wear any, you look great in both."

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