Chapter 41

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Ruqayyah's POV

Mrs Nicolette rushes to Alex as soon as she sees him, hugging him tight, "Mon chéri (my love), don't ever disappear on us like that again." She says before kissing him on the cheek.

I decide to hold Khadija's hand to leave the garden. This is a family matter, I should let them talk alone.

"What happened? Why was Miss Nicolette crying?" Khadija asks me once we reached Mrs Nicolette's car.

"Uh... It's nothing princess, you don't need to worry about it." I answer as I sit her down on one of the benches of the sidewalk and I take my seat next to her.

"Can I play with Alex again in the park?" Khadija asks as expected. From the moment she saw him, I was waiting for her to ask.

"The thing is... I don't think he is well enough to play today." I say and she does her sad face.

"We can just play for 3 0 minutes like last time, pleaseeeeeeee..." She stretches the last word until I finally gave her an answer.

"I'm afraid we have to go home after this. Mum must be wondering where we are." I say as I notice it's almost dhuhr time. "Khadija please behave," I say when I notice her make her crying face.

"I want to go to he park." She says and I sigh as she starts to cry.

"Hey, what's going on here?" I hear Alex's voice and I look up to find him walking to us. He lowers down until he is on the same level as Khadija and makes her look at him, "Do you know why I went to play with you at the park the other day? Because you were the most adorable out of everyone there. But did you know that crying makes people less adorable? Do you want that to happen?" He asks her and Khadija shakes her head, "If you stop crying, I will show you something I got for you." He tells her as he wipes her tears with his thumb.

"Surprise?" She asks and he nods.

"I thought a lot about what present I could get for the beautiful little princess I played with at the park and I got the perfect one." He tells her and she immediately smiles. "Do you wanna see it?" He asks and she nods. He picks her up and they start walking towards the park again.

I get up and follow. I hadn't seen Mrs Nicolette since I left them at the park. Has she left?

As I think about her, I receive a text message on my phone.

I grab it and it was a text message from an unknown number, saying: "It is me, Alex's mum. I am on my way back home with a relieved heart and a much more peaceful state than I left. I can not thank you enough for what you've done today, sweetheart. I am very happy that my son has found someone like you. Please take care of yourself and if you ever need anything, I will be more than happy to help."

I sigh in relief at the end of the text. I guess they talked everything out. I just hope he is going back home.

"Ruqayyah! Ruqayyah!" Khadija screams my name in excitement and I turn around to find her and Alex near his car, "Look what Alex got me!" She runs to me and shows me a brand new Barbie Estate Dreamhouse.

"Wow, that looks..." Expensive, "Really nice." I give her a small smile before turning to Alex.

She better not get accustomed to this.

"Alright, how about we go to the park now?" Alex says and at this rate, Khadija will prefer him over me. The way she ran to him and hugged him shows it all.

He better not steal her from me.

I didn't want to be the one refusing and perhaps making Khadija upset again, so we all get in Alex's car and he drives to the park.

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