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"He's dead."

Y/n sat staring at Kakyoin, who held Avdol tightly in his arms. Tears ran down her face as she looked at the dead man before her, memories and images of him smiling and laughing flashing through her mind. Hesitantly, she put a hand on Kakyoin's trembling shoulder in an attempt to shake him out of his trance. The redhead remained frozen, his eyes fixed on Avdol's lifeless face.

"Hey, come on," she whispered, moving his body gently. "Please, Kakyoin. There's no-"

"I KNOW!" Kakyoin shouted suddenly, snatching his shoulder away and holding the Egyptian man closer. He lifted his head to look Y/n in the eyes before dropping his gaze once more. "I know he is."

Kakyoin's reaction seemed to snap Polnareff out of his own stupor. Shaking his head violently, he began repeatedly mumbling. It was all his fault, he said. How he should've listened, and how he was tired of having people up and die on him constantly.

Y/n watched as the two men visibly broke down in front of her as she herself remained at a complete loss, the sudden grief having a sobering effect on her instead. She did not know what to do, whether to comfort Polnareff, Kakyoin, or even herself. Just as she moved to crawl over to Kakyoin to release Avdol's body from his death grip, another man spoke.

Dragging her head up, she watched the blonde – Avdol's murderer –  hurl taunts and insults at the Frenchman. Though part of her wanted to finish him then and there, she knew another Stand user was accompanying him, and their Stand ability was not as apparent as the gun wielders.

With that conclusion, she shuffled closer to Kakyoin and gently pried his hands off the corpse, his fingers curling in stiffly into her own. After carefully placing Avdol's body onto the ground, she pulled Kakyoin onto his feet and tapped his face with her palm, forcing him to focus.

His eyes focused and unfocused, and after a moment of struggle, he nodded his head and took a deep breath. With the shouting between the two men behind them getting worse, Kakyoin and Y/n turned around to witness Polnareff slowly approaching the blonde man, Silver Chariot hovering behind him defensively.

Now back to his senses, Kakyoin dashed forward and grabbed Polnareff by the arm, keeping him in place. Just as she was about to join him in helping keep the other back, Y/n saw something move in her peripheral vision. Whirling around, her eyes landed on Avdol's body lying on the dusty road, part of her wondering if it was him that had moved.

Staring hard, she watched for any other signs of movement, but except the swirls of dust from the wind and small insects flitting about, there was nothing. Blinking away the tears forming, she shifted to turn around, but as she moved, she saw it.

Gasping quietly, she watched Avdol scrunch his face up in agony as he tried to lift his head, the gesture requiring almost all his strength.

Utter euphoria would have been an understatement for how she felt, Y/n putting her entire effort in keeping her body still and not bolting straight over to him. Somewhere distantly behind her, she heard Kakyoin shout for Hierophant Green, but the exclamation went in one ear and out the other as she rubbed her eyes furiously and gawked at Avdol.

No, she had not thought wrong. Avdol was indeed trying his level best to sit up, even though large spurts of blood gushed from his back and forehead at his every action.

Suddenly, a familiar voice shouted from behind Y/n. "Move outta the way!"

Spinning around, she saw an old car barrelling towards her at full speed. Kakyoin was behind the wheel whilst Polnareff sat in shotgun, his head poking out the window to warn her of their approach.

Good Grief Woman - Jotaro x ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora