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The following morning came quickly.

Y/n woke up to Kakyoin flinging a pillow at her face. The blow sent her rolling off the bed and onto the floor. Grumbling, she chucked it back at him and began to get ready. As they had only stayed for the night, and they did not have many belongings with them in the first place, the three were packed and ready to go in no time.

Whilst Jotaro acted like nothing had happened the previous night and carried on about his day, Y/n, on the other hand, agonised about it endlessly. And she had no reason to do so. The bizarre development in her perception of Jotaro was absurd.

Nothing crazy happened, she told herself firmly. Literally, all you did was heal his injuries. Though that's crazy in itself, it's beside the point. Stop. Being. Weird. About. It.

But Y/n could not help herself – it seemed as if her body had a mind of its own. At breakfast, anytime it seemed like Jotaro was about to speak - to anyone at all - she turned aside. Anytime he moved to step towards her, she busied herself elsewhere. Hell, anytime Jotaro even looked anywhere near her direction, she internally freaked out.

Why am I like this? She complained after both Joseph and Kakyoin gave her sceptical looks at her awkward actions. With a stiff smile, she waved them away and forced herself to fall in step beside Jotaro as they made their way out of the hotel. Don't be awkward.

Joseph seemed to have a specific place in mind when they stepped outside.

"I managed to do some research on the town last night!" he had said. Ushering the rest down a road and past some shops, he grinned and paused. Joseph held his arms out and gestured proudly towards the building they had stopped outside. "Look!"

It was a car dealership. Through the full glass windows, Y/n could see several vehicles, from bulky minivans to glossy sportscars. Joseph's eyes sparkled as he took in the view before him. It was as if he had hit the jackpot and could not believe it himself.

"Okay, I'll go get what we need," he said. "Stay here." With that, he sped through the double doors and walked up to a sales assistant, promptly bombarding them with questions.

Polnareff groaned as he watched, "That's no fa- Hey! You, there! Pretty lady!"

Kakyoin observed Polnareff's retreating figure with a smirk. The Frenchman had already managed to convince a woman to chat with him on the luxurious sofas inside. "That man is something else."

Jotaro let out a snort and, Y/n felt her heart seize up. Partly because the sound was now somehow charming, and she wanted to hear more of it. And partly because it had just occurred to her that Kakyoin could absolutely, under no circumstances, leave. If he did, Y/n would be alone with just Jotaro and, she would be more willing to fall off a cliff than do that right now.

Kakyoin sighed heavily, "Y/n. What's wrong with you? You're being weird again."

Her chaotic thought process skidded to a halt and, Y/n floundered to form an answer. "I am? I don't think so. You sure you're not the one losing it?

Inwardly, she patted herself on the back for the swift save – dodging the question with another question. But it seemed that Kakyoin was expertly on her case today.

"I'm sure. Randomly, you just freeze up and act super awkward. It's like someone's dunked a bucket of cold water on you, and now you don't know what to do." Boy, you have no idea how much I haven't know what to do recently.

Smirking, Jotaro added, "Yeah. You going through your tenth midlife crisis of the week?"

Y/n felt her jaw drop slightly. Again, she had no clue what to do. What was she supposed to do? Both males had picked up on that and been eerily close to accurate.

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