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The odd group of five were now sitting at a café nearby after Joseph's suggestion to discuss the matter of Stands elsewhere. Joseph and Avdol were sat next to each other, opposite Y/n, Holly and Jotaro, and they were all sipping various drinks. The older woman clung tightly to her son's arm, frequently looking up at his face and sighing in happiness.

"Thank goodness, Jotaro's finally out of that cell," she said softly. Only Y/n nodded in agreement, somehow catching Joseph's attention by the movement.

"So, Y/n," the old man began, "I never got the chance to ask you anything about yourself. Tell me, how's it being my grandson's girlfriend?" The girl's eyes went wide at his question, and she almost choked on her tea in her shock. Joseph laughed heartily at her reaction, "Ah, don't worry, you don't have to disclose anything personal!" he said with a wink, dragging out the final word in a cheeky manner.

Vigorously shaking her head, Y/n rushed to disagree, "No no, Mr Joestar! We're not together! We're barely..." she racked her brain for the best word, "acquaintances!"

Joseph tilted his head to the side in confusion, "You're the one that Holly said was moving in, right?" He paused, waiting until Y/n nodded her head slowly, "So you live with Jotaro, but you two aren't dating?"

"No, we're not," she replied, shaking her head firmly.


"Cut it out, Gramps," Jotaro interjected, who had until then been watching the entire interaction with a bored stare, "it's not like we sleep in the same room." Y/n flushed at his words, thinking back to the incident that they'd had not long ago.

Outraged at his choice of wording, Joseph turned to Jotaro, "Gramps!" After receiving no apology from his grandson, he sighed and turned back to the girl, "So forgive my asking, but why are you here then?"

Before Y/n could answer, Avdol spoke, "I believe I can answer that, Mr Joestar." All eyes turned to look at the Egyptian man. "That's why Jotaro said 'that makes three now' when saying he was surprised that I also had a Stand, right?" Joseph gasped as Jotaro grunted in agreement.

"So you're a Stand user too!" Joseph blurted out loudly, causing half of the café to swivel around and stare at their table.

Awkwardly nodding, Y/n quietly muttered, "Yeah."

"How do you even know about these evil spirits – or Stands?" Jotaro questioned, narrowing his eyes and pointing at his grandad.

"Right, that is why I came all the way here from New York," he sighed. "But to explain, I'll have to start from the beginning." With that, he pulled out a few polaroid pictures and started an impassioned explanation of how four years ago, there was a hundred-year-old coffin that had been pulled out of the Atlantic Ocean, from just off the African coast, and how after conducting some research, he had found that it was on the boat where his grandad, Jonathan Joestar had died. "The coffin was empty when opened, but I know exactly what was inside and Avdol and I are trying to locate him as we speak!"

"What?" Jotaro questioned sharply, "Him? You're making it sound like there was a person in there who escaped."

Standing up, Joseph slammed his gloved hand on the table, "He's evil incarnate, and his name's Dio!" Holly flinched at the loud sound and Jotaro scoffed, turning around to look outside the window. Y/n sat there staring at the old man, blinking slowly as she processed the bizarre information. "Jotaro! Don't act like this has nothing to do with you!"

"That's not why I'm turning around, Old Man," the delinquent scoffed whilst Joseph's eyebrow twitched and hand shook in agitation. "Do you really expect me to listen to your stupid story, say "Oh, I see" and go with it?"

Good Grief Woman - Jotaro x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now