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"Long time no see, L/n."

Y/n's blood ran cold at the awfully familiar words and voice, her mind flashing back to the dark alleyway, surrounded by shattered glass and the unconscious bodies of five men. Though her face remained in the same wide-eyed shock, a million thoughts ran through her mind. How did Charles manage to get here? How did he manage to find her all the way in Hong Kong? What was he going to do with her?

As her brain worked at a hundred miles an hour, she suddenly gasped and her mind went almost blank, the fact that she was a Stand user and the source of the voice was not, occurring to her. Almost immediately she relaxed, even a ghost of a smile coming onto her face. I have better control of Chrome Cortana now; I can do this! Casually she turned around, ready to face the person behind her.

The thought of the iced arrow in the wall completely gone from her mind from the shock.

Calling out Chrome Cortana, she braced herself for what she supposed would be completely effortless. However, looking around, she saw no one was in the room. Not another soul in sight. Y/n blinked, trying to figure out what on earth was going on.

"Am I going mad?" she whispered to herself as she thought back to the miraculous increase in plants she was wondering about a few minutes prior. Quickly doing a round of the room with Chrome Cortana hovering beside her, she made sure that there truly was no one in the room before the Stand dematerialised and she was standing back where she had started, once again, completely missing the sight of the arrow lodged in the wall.

Sighing, she lifted the book to her forehead and lightly tapped herself on the head with it, "See, Y/n. This is what sleep deprivation does to someone." She shook her head a few times to clear her mind as she turned around to sit where she originally intended to, before her imagination had rudely interrupted her.

But before she could take another step, the voice spoke again. And this time, she knew it was real.

"I said, long time no see."

Whipping around and calling Chrome Cortana out again, she scanned the room for the source of the voice, knives ready to impale the target.

"There is no seeing, Charles. If you haven't realised, I can't see you, so do me a favour and come out." She waited for the man to show himself, but as he continued to somehow hide, her patience wore thin, "Cha-"

The sound of hysterical giggles suddenly filled the room and this voice was noisy and shrill, a sharp contrast to the rough gravelly tone similar to Charles' she'd heard earlier. As Y/n began to question her sanity for the thousandth time that day, a man jumped out from seemingly nowhere and stood next to a tall houseplant.

Though he was barely visible in the dim lights, she could see the striking ice-blue suit he wore with a mismatching purple tie with green blobs on it. His face was impossibly pointed at the chin and his dark hair hanged lank past his shoulders.

"Oh, it's hilarious messing with you, Y/n! The looks on your face," he doubled over in his hilarity. "Dear Lord, the looks on your face are priceless. I never did see your brother, but I imagine he'd have the same deer-in-headlights expression!"

Y/n scowled at the mention of her brother, patience finally snapping as she prepared to attack. "Come on, whatever your name is, didn't Charles tell you what happened to him? Or did you come here willingly to get your ass whooped?"

The man continued to laugh, the giggles increasing at her words. She raised an eyebrow at the sight in front of her, part of her wondering why Charles had sent a crazy man to get beaten up by beings invisible to him. Shaking her head, she sent two blades aimed at the man's legs towards him, wanting to get this done quickly. But her irritation quickly turned to confusion as she watched the man sloppily but accurately dodge her attack, jumping to the side.

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