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"We're almost at the Indo-Pakistan border," Kakyoin said, glancing up from the map in his hands.

Just five minutes after Anne had made herself comfortable, Joseph had turned around asking if anyone else would read the map and instantly, Kakyoin volunteered. The second the car had stopped, he opened the door and practically ran out, away from the younger girl who was hell-bent on telling him stories about some boys she had met. Now that Joseph was sat in his place, she was much quieter, choosing to stare out to the road instead.

The only difference was, now that Joseph was squeezed into the backseat too, there was nearly no room to breathe. Y/n was awfully aware of both the people beside her, especially Jotaro, who's jacket seemed to emit only hot air. Even the smallest movement he made, she could feel and, she assumed the opposite was true too, so she made minimal movement, not wanting to make him even more aware of how close they were sitting.

Abruptly, the car made a sharp turn, Polnareff shouting both curses and apologies whilst Kakyoin went flying against the door. Unsurprisingly, nobody in the backseat moved, there being no space to go anywhere.

"Sorry about that!" Polnareff exclaimed, glaring into the rear-view mirror. "That damn car behind us won't get off my ass!"

"Oi, be careful," Joseph grumbled, "I'm still wanted in Varanasi 'cause of that Stand, I want to make it over the border without hassle."

"Of cou- Oh fucking fine, just go!" Polnareff conceded, swerving the vehicle aside to let the car behind pass. Without any acknowledgement, the driver raced by and got into lane in front, and then slowed right down.

Whilst Jotaro sat up slightly and narrowed his eyes at the car ahead, Kakyoin shook his head, "What's he doing now?"

"Just leave it!" Joseph called from the back as he folded his arms behind his head.

"We're going at a snail's-"

"I said, leave it!"

And Polnareff did, albeit reluctantly and they continued behind the car at a sluggish pace. Beside Y/n, Jotaro was still as stiff as a board, his eyes remaining narrowed ahead.

"What?" Y/n asked quietly and watched as his eyes flicked down to her momentarily. Without responding to her question, Jotaro pulled his hat down slightly and muttered something under his breath before looking at the back of Polnareff's head.

"Did you see the driver's face?"

"No, the car gave me the creeps though."

"Good grief."

Jotaro sank back into the seat, trapping Y/n's arm between himself and the leather. Not seeing the point in arguing, she yanked her shoulder away and rested her elbows on her knees, glaring out at the vehicle before them.

Some short minutes later, the car ahead flicked its hazard lights on and a hand poked out the front window, gesturing for them to overtake.

"Ha, now look who's tell me to pass," Polnareff sneered. With a swift push on the pedal, Polnareff steered around and in front, making extra sure to cause dust to fly up as he passed. . "Looks like he remembered how shit hi-"

"Oh my God!"

As soon as their own car overtook the other, a lorry came into view, taking them all by surprise. There was no time for either to veer out of the way, both vehicles hurtling towards each other at high speed. Y/n instinctively curled into herself, her eyes closing as they prepared for impact.

An impact that never came.

Just as the car's front made contact with the lorry, Star Platinum materialised. With savage strength, it punched the truck with a loud "ORA" and from there, everything seemed to happen in slow motion.

Good Grief Woman - Jotaro x ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz