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The two girls made their way down to below deck, their backs turned to the other men, who were staring at a certain delinquent in confusion and disbelief. After a few moments of searching, they came across a set of fresh laundry and Anne went aside to towel herself off.

Y/n walked to the nearest wall and slumped down to the ground immediately, trying to block out the loud shouts from above and get her head to stop spinning from the ever-increasing rocking of the boat. Just as Anne came back into sight, both the shouts and the boat's movement ceased, and she sighed in relief. But her relief did not last long.

As she shook her head to clear the dizziness, there was a deafening bang and the inside of the ship lit up a bright orange for a split second. Y/n closed her eyes and curled up tighter from the shock, whilst the younger girl cried out in terror.

When they both reopened their eyes, they saw that somehow, in that split second, most of the deck and the side of the ship had completely disappeared. As the dust in the air clouded Y/n's vision and disorientated her further, she barely managed to connect the dots and realise that an explosive was probably the causing of this.

As sunlight and debris poured down on the discombobulated girls, Polnareff poked his head across the ceiling gap, opened his mouth, and screamed, "GET OFF THE SHIP!", before disappearing once again.

In fear that another explosive would go off and blow the two to cinders along with the ship, Y/n quickly scrambled up and ran towards Anne. Seeing a gap in the hull that was wide enough for the two of them, she dragged the girl towards it and jumped out, cannon-balling straight towards the ocean.

Plunging in with a loud splash, Y/n thanked her decision to jump instantly, as the rest of the ship promptly blew up behind them, sending powerful upsurges into the water. She swiftly grabbed a plank of wood and swam up to Anne, who was spluttering and struggling in the violent waves. Now that the large vessel had turned to dust, the girls could see Jotaro and Polnareff pulling the others onto a decently sized lifeboat.

The dire question of what on earth had happened for the ship to explode fizzled away when large metallic slabs started sinking into the water and began pulling the girls down with them. Y/n swiftly kicked away, aiming to get herself and the younger girl to safety.

Once Kakyoin had successfully climbed onto the boat, he soon caught sight of Y/n and Anne making their way to the group. Calling out Hierophant Green, he sent his Stand out for the girls to grab onto before pulling them into safety. On the small boat, the remaining innocent crewmates sat on one end, whilst the males and Anne squeezed into the remaining seats, leaving Y/n to awkwardly perch off the end of the boat's bow.

Just as she was about to comment on the fact that the reason why she had been banished to the end of the boat, was that they all were built like fridges, she caught sight of each of their faces. Joseph, Kakyoin and Polnareff looked dejected, their spirits dampened from the previous, unanticipated attack. Avdol looked more sombre than usual and Jotaro was simply sitting there, staring out to sea and seeming even more detached than usual. Anne had clearly had enough of the bizarre, invisible occurrences of the day, deciding to lie down beside Joseph and curl up into a ball.

Y/n's own fatigue and gloom increased tenfold at their expressions. It was a sharp contrast from how they were just this morning: determined and driven in their search for Dio. She sighed and resigned herself to find a way to raise everyone's morale once more.

By the time an idea had occurred to her, Y/n looked up and saw that almost everyone on the boat had fallen asleep, her friends and the crewmates alike, save Jotaro.

With Kakyoin in between her and the delinquent, she could not see his face and his regular movements were the only indications that he was still awake. She wondered how Jotaro of all people must feel in that moment, their pursuit of Dio halted whilst his mother was on the verge of death, helpless until aid came to them.

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