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"N- N- NO!"

Enyaba's shrill cry caught the attention of the entire street, several passer-by's turning to stare at her. The shout also woke Kakyoin, the teenager's head shooting up to check his surroundings with a groggily mumbled, "Huh?"

"N- No! Lord Dio would never do that to me. We trust each other!" she stammered out, her eyes still locked on the vendor's smirking face.

Before them, the man took a few steps forward, coming out of the shadows of the shop and shrugging off his carefully placed scarf and hood. At the same time, Enyaba locked into place beside Y/n and, suddenly, numerous thick, pink tentacles protruded from her body, coming out from each cavity on her face.

The force of the extending tentacles rocked the entire carriage. The driver jumped off immediately, running back in the direction they came in with a petrified look plastered on his face with the onlookers following.

"This just goes to show," the man started, his now revealed black hair and blood-red irises reflecting the sunlight. "That Lord Dio trusts no one. Especially not a weak old woman like you."

Before she could respond, the tentacles changed their course, heading for the wheels of the carriage and popping them off with ease. Y/n felt her entire body slam into the side of the carriage, the impact tearing through the thin fabric and sending her tumbling onto the tarmac. Following the sudden occurrence, the remaining males also jumped off the wagon and landed beside Y/n, Joseph dropping the kebabs and dashing to them too.

"He would NEVER!" she shrieked, writhing in agony as she rolled off the seat and onto the pavement. Blood pooled in abundance beneath her, pouring out from her eyes, ears and mouth. "Lord Dio is my LIFE! I would never betray him!"

As soon as the final words fell from her mouth, the tentacles began wrapping around her trembling body. Slowly, they restricted her breath and sucked the fighting fragments of life from her.

"Old Woman!" Polnareff cried, summoning Silver Chariot and running to her side, ready to slice away the grotesque appendages. "Wasn't she one of you! How could you!" Immediately, the importance of attaining information about Dio became even more unmistakable. Polnareff, who had a personal enmity with Enyaba, was trying to prevent her death.

"This is quite pitiful, really," the man sighed with a chuckle, leaning back to sit on a chair.

"Old Woman!" Joseph shouted, running and crouching down beside her frame, forcing her to look up at him. "This is what happened of your trust in Dio! He betrayed you!" The desperation in the man's face grew as he watched the light flicker from her eyes. "Please! Tell me the secret about Dio's Stand! I need to know to kill him!"

"L- Lo- Lord ... Dio," Enyaba sputtered. Looking up, she gave Joseph one final look before her head lolled to the side, words of praise for her betraying Lord the last thing from her lips, "He trusts me..."

"NO!" Joseph yelled, watching despairingly as her body slumped to the ground.

"What the hell did you do to her?" Polnareff demanded, turning and rounding on the seated man, who was now calmly sipping from a cup.

Laughing, he lightly shook his head, "I thought you'd never ask. I'm Dan, by the way, Steely Dan." With a clear sense of pride, he pulled out a tarot card from his pocket and brandished it before them. "My Stand represents the Lovers card. The moment the hag woke up, it entered her and caused the flesh bud that Lord Dio had placed to grow - rapidly. Eventually, at its full growth, it devours the entirety of the victim's brain, as you can see," he finished, a crazed smile on his face.  

"Stand up." Jotaro's voice came out almost like a growl, the order short, clipped, and to the point. Dan merely looked up at him with a smug smirk before continuing to drink from his cup. "Oi, now isn't the time to act cool, you fucker."

Good Grief Woman - Jotaro x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now