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"Well, it was deserved, I guess," Polnareff muttered, looking from the ridge down at the remaining ruins of the attacking car, smoke floating up in soft spirals from the wreckage.

Y/n's brows furrowed in thought, "Why the hell did they even do that?"

Kakyoin hummed, "Yeah, it's not like they pulled anything that was like a Stand attack."

"The driver is probably just an asshole," Jotaro replied, slightly lifting a shoulder.

"This is all so strange," Anne mumbled. Her head was in her hands as she spoke, from her place on a boulder. "How did it even manage to get behind us in the first place, this's a dead end!" Just as Joseph moved to comfort her, a high, gleeful voice sounded, its spoken words barely audible due to the harsh crackles interrupting it.

"Ha! You're right about that, little girl!"

The six froze in their spots, slowly glancing to the car. After a few moments, Y/n turned around and met Kakyoin's eyes, lifting her eyebrows in question. Before the redhead could say or do anything in response, the crackling noise sounded again, both teenagers whirling around in the direction of it.

"It was able to do that because it's a Stand! Surely you know about those, Joestar."

Joseph gasped sharply at the mention of his family name, "He has to be one of the Stand users after us! He knows my name!"

"Wheel of Fortune!" the voice cried. "That's the card my Stand suggests!"

"Wheel of Fo-"

Before Polnareff could get all of his words out, heavy tremors ripped through the ground, shaking everything from the battered car to the rocky boulders with intense force.

"Get in the car!"

"NO!" Jotaro shouted, holding an arm out.

"Oh my god, the ground!"

Suddenly, wide cracks formed in the ground, and a metal frame protruded from the rock. Within an instant, the car burst through the stone and flew vertically, knocking their car away before somehow shifting form and landing with a heavy thump.

The impact sent each of the crusaders flying backwards into the rubble, large bits of debris and stone hurtling through the air with them. Whilst each of the men landed neatly and only received minimal damage to themselves, Anne managed to land right on Y/n. The contact led her to hit the ground at an awkward angle, her shoulder trapping uncomfortably right into one of the larger cracks.

Y/n grimaced in pain as Anne stumbled to her feet. The vehicle approached them like a predator hunting its prey and, the girl shouted a shrill "RUN" whilst simultaneously yanking at the other girl's free arm to get her to stand too. The instant that her arm came loose of the crack, Y/n felt a sharp pop in her shoulder joint, a dull sting shooting up the length of her arm. Biting the inside of her cheek, she forced herself to stop the small cry falling from her lips. She shakily got to her feet and ran between the boulders, following the rest of the group.

"He shouldn't be able to get to us here," Joseph said quietly, eyeing the space between the rock faces and the approaching car.

"Oh, really?" the Stand user laughed from inside the car. "You look pathetic, running away like a bunch of cockroaches!"

"This demonic fucking car," Y/n muttered. They watched the car transform to another structure, this one having sharp drills poking out of its sides and long, pointed barbs resembling stalagmites from its wheels. With that, a high buzz echoed through the boulders and chips of stone began showering in from the gap.

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