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"We RUN!"

Joseph relinquished his grip on Y/n the moment he was sure she would continue running. And she did, barely keeping up with the three men and their long strides but quietly following them regardless. He and Kakyoin seemed to be the only ones out of the four who knew where they were going. Expertly, they weaved through both streets and crowds of people until they stumbled out onto the high street.

"There!" Kakyoin shouted and pointed towards an electronics store.

Within moments, they were all stood outside the shop, the three men still miraculously not out of breath. Y/n, on the other hand, looked like she had walked out of a sauna, sweat drenching her frame.

"It's 'cause of the heat, okay?" she said sharply, throwing Polnareff a glare. He nodded sceptically, politely averting his curious stare to take a sudden interest in Kakyoin's hair noodle. "And I know Dan's Stand is inside your brain right now, Mr Joestar, but leaving Kujo on his own isn't great."

"He isn't Polnareff; a walking disaster magnet," Kakyoin dismissed, ignoring the Frenchman's outcry. He turned to Joseph, "Besides, he can take care of himself." 

Joseph grumbled, "Hopefully, we can get this situation sorted before he needs to do anything of the sort." Turning, he reached out until his hands made contact with the shop window, right where a TV  faced them. Hermit Purple materialised from his hands, going through the window until they sank into the screen.

"W- Wait!" Polnareff exclaimed. He shook his head and wiped the sweat that beaded on his temples, "What are we even doing here?"

"I didn't mean literally running away," Joseph sighed, his concentration fixed on the set before him. "We're going to fight this Stand." Grunting with effort, he produced an image of The Lovers inside him, the tiny Stand currently tugging at something.

"How do you plan on even getting there?" asked Polnareff. He looked at the screen with narrowed eyes.

"In the same way I can change the size of my knives, I assume," Y/n answered. She looked over to Kakyoin and Joseph to see they were nodding in agreement. "But that's just a single part of my Stand. Can entire Stands change size?"

"They are masses of energy, so theoretically, they should be able to morph into whatever size we wish," Kakyoin replied.

"W- What!"

"Hey, just hurry up. C'mon," Joseph gritted out, the combination of the effort he was putting in and his hunched position clearly taking a toll on him. "Take it easy on me, though."

"Putain de merde!" he groaned but called out Silver Chariot, nonetheless. Y/n and Kakyoin quickly followed and they both did a swift sweep of the street to ensure they were not attracting attention - from bystanders or other potential Stand users.

The exertion to make Chrome Cortana the size of an ear canal knocked the wind out of Y/n.

Whilst changing the sizes of her blades required none as the action was almost reflexive, this took every ounce of her strength. "Smaller," Kakyoin ordered, a thin sheen of sweat building on his own forehead and Y/n gritted her teeth. Eventually, he staggered forward to keep a hold on Joseph and nodded, giving the affirmative to enter.

"This is crazy," Polnareff breathed. The look on his face was both focussed and faraway – simultaneously staring at The Lovers on the screen as well as looking into Joseph's ear though Silver Chariot.

The TV image shifted, Joseph zooming out to give an x-ray like picture of his head. A bright spot illuminated the centre of the view whilst three other orbs approached it from the side. Y/n concentrated on the various tunnels of who-knows-what inside Joseph's brain, mapping out and observing them until they abruptly stopped, reaching a dead end.

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