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Any chances for having a quiet, enjoyable breakfast before they had to board the Cessna were quickly forgotten.

Y/n skidded into the hotel room, Polnareff hot on her heels. She wiped down the stickiness on her hands from said abandoned breakfast and rushed over to the screaming Kakyoin. The redhead writhed and thrashed in his bed, his purple striped pyjamas wrapping awkwardly around him.

"Oi, cherry boy! What're you doing?!"

"Hey! Kakyoin, wake up!" Y/n tried, gently nudging his shoulder. Somewhere in the back of her mind, the idea floated that she should approach a person having a nightmare with caution, and so she did.

"Y/n, move over. Let me try!"

Polnareff took her method and chucked it out of the window. The Frenchman roughly grabbed Kakyoin by the shoulders and shook him awake with everything he had, "SNAP OUT OF IT!"

The student started awake, his eyes flying open in terror. Immediately, he sat up, scanning his surroundings and Y/n shouldered Polnareff out of the way. Her hand landed on Kakyoin's arm, rubbing comforting circles on his bicep, "You're good, Kakyoin. It was just a dream."

"You had us worried there, man. We had to get you to wake up," Polnareff sighed. Y/n threw him a withering look and turned her attention back to Kakyoin.

"I- I had a nightmare," he mumbled softly, still trying to sort out his bearings.

"We gathered that," said Polnareff. He stretched widely and moved to throw open the window. Bright light flooded the room and, Kakyoin flinched from the sunlight. Y/n bore holes into the back of Polnareff's silver head.

"I can't remember any of it, though."

"Maybe that's a good thing," Y/n said quickly before Polnareff could interject with any more of his 'tough love' approach. "You wouldn't wanna remember a nightmare, right?"

"I ... guess."

"Well, come on then! Get your shit together, Kakyoin. We've gotta leave in a bit!" Polnareff said, fixing the redhead with a determined look. Y/n inwardly grimaced. The poor boy looked like he had just clawed his way from his own grave, but they did have to leave.

Patting Kakyoin's arm one final time, Y/n made to stand up, "Yeah. Mr Joestar and Kujo already left some time ago. We'll wait for you outside. Get changed." She received a shaky nod in return.

To Kakyoin's credit, he was out and ready in mere minutes. Once he exited his room, carefully nursing his hand, the three made their way to the plane.

But as soon as they stepped outside, a child's pained screams sounded. Whirling around, the three watched as a young boy sobbed beside a bloody pile. Y/n squinted, trying to make out what the thing was.

"My dog! Someone killed my dog overnight!"

Y/n and Kakyoin gasped simultaneously.

The latter's hands flew to his temples, "This is all ... so weird. I swear I saw a dead dog like that just recently."

Polnareff's non-existent brows scrunched together. Slowly, he pushed Kakyoin away from the scene and towards their intended destination, "It's sad, but it's not our concern." When the student stayed put, he sighed, "And it may be because Jotaro mentioned a dead dog when we dealt with Enyaba. Don't think too hard about it, Kakyoin."

Kakyoin nodded and let himself be guided away by the two. Within a few minutes, they reached the take-off site, Jotaro and Joseph standing to the side, speaking to the owner.

Once they were in earshot of their conversation, Y/n realised that it was, in fact, an argument.

"What do you mean you can't sell us the plane anymore?" Joseph questioned sharply. "You agreed to it yesterday and, you even took my money!"

Good Grief Woman - Jotaro x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now