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Stay until the end for some beautiful artwork of Cortana!

"Polnareff's the more concerning one in this situation. It's a shame we'll miss his reaction when it happens."

"Miss it?" asked Y/n, lips quirking into a smile, "I think we'll hear his shriek from here."

Jotaro looked at her for a moment with an eyebrow slightly raised before huffing out a short laugh. "I guess so."

Y/n stared at him as his face moulded into one of its rare, small smiles. The frequency of said smiles was few and far between, so she was willing to take any she could get. The expression changed the entirety of his face, harsh, sharp lines softening into smooth planes, the seemingly eternal scowl wiped off his lips. She had the sudden urge to reach out and run her fingers over them, all too aware of how close they were sat.

But before she could act on said urge, a stick snapped, just some distance behind them.

Y/n froze in place, having been practically yanked out of her little daydream. Of course, that meant she was still facing Jotaro. This was unfortunate – especially when the sound caused him to look up too, eyes locking directly with Y/n's own wide ones, effectively catching her staring.

Fuck, Y/n thought eloquently.

Though, before she could wallow in the awkwardness, Jotaro looked over her head at the cause of the sound. Internally cursing herself to the high heavens and back for the unnecessary, albeit minor, situation she'd caused for herself, she turned around and did the same.

Kakyoin stood before them, a slightly sheepish expression on his face. He had somehow moved from being directly behind the pair to just at the edge of the thick bunches of trees forming the forest. And apparently, he planned to move even further.

"Where're you going?" Y/n questioned, watching as Kakyoin made to turn and continue ahead.

Coming to a halt, the redhead turned his head sharply in their direction, throwing the pair an oddly menacing smile. "Just wanted to explore the forest, y'know, by myself. The sun's too harsh out here anyway – and yes, I'll stay clear of any potential Polnareff situations for now. Okay, gonna get going now, bye!"

Before Y/n could make sense of what Kakyoin had rattled off in one single breath, let alone respond, he had vanished into the trees. Leaving Y/n and Jotaro alone on the sandy shore.

"Weird," Y/n mumbled, turning around to comment on his bizarre behaviour. But, she was met with more bizarre behaviour.

Jotaro was staring at her intently, as if analysing everything about her. It took him a moment to even gather that Y/n had turned back around, glancing up to look at her eyes.

Y/n's stomach flipped, and she glared down at it, willing it to behave.

She bit out a sharp "What?", which sounded much snarkier than she felt.

Jotaro blinked before a smirk pulled up the corner of his mouth.

"You look like shit."

Y/n's mouth fell open with an audible pop. Firstly, that was not what she was thinking he'd say. Second, how dare he? Crossing her arms, she glared at him, "What's wrong with you? We're sat on a desert island in the middle of butt-fuck nowhere, and you expect me to look perfectly put together? When was the last time you had a shower, huh? You're lucky the winds blowing south; it's preventing your stench from stinking up the island."

Patiently, Jotaro waited for Y/n to finish her – rightfully – incensed rant, the smug smirk still annoying fixed in place. Once she had, he held his hands up, "Good grief, woman. That's not what I meant."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2022 ⏰

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