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It was around four in the morning when Jotaro finally put out his cigarette and went back into his room, trying to get back to sleep. His mind was still wandering all over the place, running particularly irritating circles around the confusing interaction he'd had with Y/n. Staring at the ceiling, he tried to relax his mind, but to no avail.

"Good fucking grief," he muttered, getting up to pick a book from his shelves and sit back down on his bed. He read well into the morning, not feeling even an ounce of drowsiness at any point.

Eventually, he got up and put his book away, glancing at the clock to see that it had only turned seven. Sighing, Jotaro made his way to the bathroom to get ready and retrieve his hat and saw that it was still placed on the counter as he had left it the day prior, untouched by Y/n.

Once he had gotten dressed, he went to the kitchen, not expecting anyone to be there since he was early, but as he neared, he heard the subdued voices of his mother and Y/n.

"I don't have anyone to inform."

Jotaro slowly came to a stop outside the door. Listening to Y/n say something like that and sound so vulnerable only intensified the inexplicable feelings he'd had earlier, and he hadn't the slightest clue as per to why. I've known the girl one fucking day, he exclaimed mentally.

She then was prompted by his mother to explain, and she started to disclose the story of her past.

Something told Jotaro that what the girl was saying was probably private, but he couldn't bring himself to move, wanting to hear it and perhaps find out something about her. So he stood outside the door and listened to what she had to say.

Her backstory was depressing, to say the least. Being abandoned by her mother at an early age, and then losing her father too. Jotaro had thought that was the worst of what had happened, when she revealed what happened to her brother.

"He'd been killed in a fight a few weeks prior."

The sympathy Jotaro felt for her at that moment was almost overwhelming. The sombre tone of her voice only made the befuddled feeling grow even further, and he couldn't take any more of it.

"What the fuck?" he mumbled as he swiftly turned around and made his way through the house until her melancholic narration faded away and he had ended up back outside the bathroom. He took off his hat and the rest of his apparel, dumping them on the floor, and stepping into the shower, wanting to literally wash the strange feelings off of himself.

I'm gonna have to get some sleeping pills and knock out after this, else I'm gonna go fucking mental.


The rest of the day went normally for Y/n. Jotaro was still nowhere to be seen, probably skipping school as Holly had said, and there had also been no further interactions with other people who could see her ghost.

She had managed to get through all her lessons peacefully and had even gotten to know a few girls that sat near her in certain lessons. Guess that'll be useful if I ever need to copy some notes, she thought, smirking to herself.

Just before the school day was about to finish, Y/n suddenly remembered the discussion she'd had with Holly earlier on. Fuck! I need to get to the Kujo house quickly, otherwise the entire process will never move along. As soon as the teacher had dismissed the class, Y/n got up and speed-walked out of the classroom and the gates, almost out of breath by the time she reached the front door of the sprawling house.

She knocked on the door a few times, waiting patiently for someone to open the door. From the outside, she could hear Holly's bright voice saying something, presumably to Jotaro, and a few seconds later, the door swung open to reveal none other than the towering teenager, who for some reason was still dressed in his uniform even though he had not attended school.

Good Grief Woman - Jotaro x ReaderKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat