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"There're more than two hundred islands in this region of Hong Kong, you know," Kakyoin, the now pseudo-tour guide, explained as he gestured around extravagantly, pointing to the tall skyscrapers, "and at night, the view of this area is called the 'Million Dollar View'."

After the emergency landing, the rescue team had dropped the passengers off on the coast of Hong Kong, putting the group in a worse situation about getting to Egypt. Now, after hearing Kakyoin's words, Y/n absorbed the information with interest, looking around with comically large eyes, "How do you know so much about this, Kakyoin?"

The redhead smiled, shaking his head, "Me and my parents travelled sometimes," he said, continuing with an exasperated scoff after receiving a weird face from Y/n, "fine, a lot. I've been places," he finished with a smug grin. The girl laughed at his remark, rolling her eyes at him before turning on her heel and making her way towards Jotaro and Avdol who were supposedly being persuaded by a street vendor to try some food.

After seeing Jotaro simply standing and staring at the salesman with a disinterested look, and Avdol glancing around for someone to get him out of the situation, Y/n and Kakyoin, the latter apparently being a food expert too, swooped in to get the five some food. Just as the man had taken down the orders, Joseph's loud voice sounded from across the street.

"No, no, no!" he exclaimed as he marched over. "We're eating at my friend's place. None of this," he squinted his eyes as he looked at the overhead menu, "hot cola! Absolutely not, let's go!" With that, he grabbed the wrist of the closest person, which happened to be Y/n, and tugged them away in the opposite direction. She grumbled as she let herself be towed by the American man to the place he had in mind, keeping her hangry scowl up until they were all sat around a circular table in a quaint restaurant.

As the three students and Joseph were about to pick up a menu each, Avdol intervened. "Mr Joestar," he started hesitantly, not wanting to shatter the fragile tranquillity that had settled on the group after the Tower of Grey incident. "Egypt..."

Joseph looked up and hummed grimly, "I know."

"We would've been in Egypt right now if we hadn't been attacked," Kakyoin added with a small frown. From the corner of her eye, Y/n saw Jotaro tense up, his dark eyebrows furrowed tightly from under his hat. Wanting to comfort the delinquent in some way, she inched her hand closer to his under the table, awkwardly patting his wrist a few times. Though his expression remained unchanged, she felt his entire arm go stiff and took that as her cue to leave him alone.

"But we can't travel commercially anymore, it'd just harm more innocents," Y/n commented as images of the dead passengers with their tongues ripped out flashed through her mind.

"Let's not worry just yet though," Joseph remarked in a slightly more optimistic tone, catching the attention of the other four. He delved into a story about getting around the world in eighty days as the rest listened intently. Pulling out a map, Joseph pointed out a route they could take by sea which would get them to Egypt quickly and efficiently. He looked up expectantly, waiting for a reaction to the plan.

Y/n shrugged at him, "That seems perfectly fine to me."

Avdol nodded as Kakyoin considered it, "I've never had the experience with that, so I'll leave it up to you, Mr Joestar."

"Yeah, same," Jotaro added, crossing his arms over his chest.

"But where are we even gonna get a boat from?" Y/n asked, her brows knitting together.

Joseph smiled slightly at her as he reached over to ruffle her hair, "Don't worry about that!" As she shrugged cluelessly, he clapped his hands together, "It's settled then! But now, let's eat!" Everyone took a menu in hand, but before they could even view the options, they were interrupted yet again, this time by someone with a strong French accent.

Good Grief Woman - Jotaro x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now